The Naperville Municipal Band Summer Concert Series entertained concertgoers at Central Park on Thursday, August 1.
With rain in the forecast and humidity high, the stage door went up as the NMB performed its theme song and the “Star Spangled Banner,” just as it has every Thursday evening since June 6. Then emcee Steve Lord welcomed the audience to the program titled “Heard This?” that included an entertaining selection of questions about the featured composers, marches and movie themes for attendees to ponder.
The Naperville Municipal Band is led by Conductor and Music Director Emily Binder. Associate Director is Bill Jastrow. Concert goers enjoy the narrative of emcee Steve Lord.
The 2024 Naperville Municipal Band Summer Concert Series runs Thursdays at 7:30PM through August 15.
Note on August 8, the NMB Big Band will perform under the leadership of Director Tracy Oliver. Dancing in the walkways throughout Central Park is popular when toe-tapping sounds of classic swing are presented during the “Celebration of the Big Band.”
When the big stage door goes up on August 15, members of the Naperville Municipal Band will be outfitted in spirit wear with enthusiasm to perform music that highlights “School Days.” Emcee Steve Lord invites the audience to put on school colors, too, when the NMB wraps up its summer season with a musical tribute to the beginning of another school year.
For more info about the City band that’s been around since 1859, visit
Everybody’s welcome to experience the annual tradition in Central Park. Strike up the band!
Last updated August 3, 2024.