Years ago when PN entered the world of Facebook, we quickly discovered its attractive fascination. In what seemed like no time, huge big blocks of time, sometimes a couple of hours, had engaged us in information while attracting friends. How would we ever get our work finished with all the new information that had distracted us as much as enlightened us?
During a meeting of an independent business organization about 12 years ago, one of its members noted she limited her “online” social media time to 15 minutes. My cousin had given me a timer in the shape of a hen that I’d appropriately named “Henny Penny.” The timer became the perfect way to limit visits to social media—just enough time to post online a picture of some place to go.
And let us note to our followers that more than a few times since we’ve been on Facebook, our request has been for a social media site called “Placebook.”
All these years later, Henny Penny still sits next to my computer. Whenever venturing online to the Positively Naperville Facebook page, I set the timer to 15 minutes and listen to the tick, tick, tick while posting a few photos with a message, check for comments and try to be beat the trill ring, ring, ring.
All that said, we are especially grateful to all whom read in print monthly and online daily at Thanks, too, for noticing PN posts on social media.
—Stephanie Penick, PN