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Monday, February 10, 2025

Sales Focus – Telephone tips to heat up your sales


Wow! It’s already July! While it is easy to get distracted with the beautiful weather outside (yardwork to do, golfing, a dip in the pool…) it is important to stay focused on high payoff activities.

One of your high payoff activities is scheduling appointments. While you are on the phone, your attitude will guide as well as determine your results. Be sure it is positive. Approach this high payoff activity with high expectations. To Heat Up Your Sales use these telephone tips:

  1. Smile when you answer the phone. The other person can sense your mood by the tone of your voice; they might even be your next customer. Smile. Hello, this is Mike! Thank you for calling.
  2. Use anything, but H.A.Y.T. (How are you today?) Always give your professional best; your first few words give the first impression. “Hi Steph~ I’m following up to discuss the three options that will ignite your staff with enthusiasm, barbeque your competition, and heat up…”
  3. Listen to what is going on in the background. If another phone rings or you hear a distraction in the background, politely inquire whether that situation needs to be dealt with and offer to be placed on hold. This shows respect for the other person and is greatly appreciated.
  4. Anytime is a good time to call your prospect for an appointment. Don’t wait for the “perfect” time. Call them after you read this article.
  5. Stop surfing the Internet. Stop Tweeting, checking Facebook and buying stuff on-line during selling hours. Plan your day full of selling activities including two hours of scheduling appointments.
  6. Voicemail messages must be short. If you can’t say it briefly, don’t say it. Optimal length is 8 to 14 seconds. Remember the 3 B’s: Be Bright. Be Brief. Be Gone.
  7. When leaving a voicemail message, repeat yourself. Say your name at the beginning. Say your name and phone number at the end. Repeat your phone number. Your future client will not have to replay the message to get your name and number. You know what to do.
  8. Stop emailing and pick up the phone.
  9. Urgency sells. Remind your client the limited supply is almost gone; the price increase goes into effect in two weeks; or their boss will be back from his field trip next Friday. Be excited!
  10. 10 before 10 ~ Ten calls before ten in the morning. After the third or fourth call you will discover you’re enjoying the process; each call brings you closer to the sale. Keep up the good work.

Be disciplined. This article is over. Pick up the phone and Heat Up Your Sales!

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Mike Cooper
Mike Cooper
Mike Cooper is Certified Sales Coach at Sales Kitchen and Board Member at RideAssistNaperville.org. Contact him at Mike@SalesKitchen.com.