The Naperville Senior Task Force is searching for new members. The Senior Task Force is one of four task forces established by the Naperville City Council. It began in 2014 to promote coordination among existing senior service providers in the area, to improve awareness of available resources to seniors, and to identify service gaps related to seniors’ issues such as transportation, housing, and healthcare.
I am one of the members of this task force. Our organization is made up of 11 amazing and dedicated volunteers, all of whom are elected for a 3-year term. We are looking for individuals interested in serving who may have relevant experience that would enhance their service on the Senior Task Force (e.g. commissions, committees, volunteering, participation in other charitable organizations), or other interests they have that would assist on the task force.
Skills that would be helpful include newsletter writing and/or editing, public speaking/presentations, social media knowledge and expertise. Interested applicants should have a schedule conducive to attending in-person monthly meetings, joining task force committees, and representing the task force at community events and activities.
The Senior Task Force is responsible for and involved in many initiatives such as: Silver CPR, Memory Café, Caregiver support group, Dementia Friendly community training, Senior of the Year Award, Diabetes screening, affordable housing initiatives, publications, forums and education.
We are excited to offer four (4) positions on the Naperville Senior Task Force. Applications are available at, select “Apply to Join the STF.”
Carpe Diem!