In early June, Naperville Park District Specialist Kathy Coyle was assisted by Girl Scout Troop 55851 from Kendall Elementary to help plant the island area of the Prairie Nature Garden, located just west of Centennial Beach.

Two park benches and a trash receptacle also have been installed in the garden.

Approved by the Riverwalk Commission last January and funded by the Riverwalk Foundation, the Prairie Nature Garden is the first new enhancement to the natural treasure since the Jaycees Park at Webster Street. The new garden is a feature of the Riverwalk 2031 Master Plan.
Naperville Riverwalk Operations Manager Tiffani Picco noted that a cover crop with taller grass will replace the turf grass. Six different plants will produce white, yellow, pink and purple flowers, timed to bloom throughout the season. The first flowers are expected to bloom later this summer.
Scout Leader Laura Fry said the troop chose the project as a way to earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award—one of the highest awards in Girl Scouting.
“The girls wanted to make a difference with something they could watch grow, something they could return to see in the future,” Fry said.

The Prairie Nature Garden is just west of Centennial Beach, east of the volleyball court and south of the new Rothermel Skate Park.