26 F
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Engaging Aging – Senior of the Year nominations sought


Naperville was recently voted the best place to live and is often known to have the best of everything.

When you think about it, this doesn’t just “happen.” In fact, it has a lot to do with how the citizens of Naperville give of themselves to their community to make it such a great place to live. Included in this group of amazing citizens are seniors and the Naperville Senior Task Force is looking for the next Senior of the Year.

Naperville’s Senior of the Year award originated with the Task Force in 2018, with one senior female winning. Since then, the pandemic prevented its continuation until 2021, when Senior Task Force member, John Gallagher, resurrected it.

There are now two winners elected each year: one male and one female.

According to Gallagher, Senior of the Year is important because it is a way to recognize the importance of seniors’ contributions to Naperville.

“Many seniors are involved in community organizations as a way to give back. They volunteer in their churches, on committees, not for profit agencies, and chambers to name a few,” he said.

Although Gallagher states that many formally volunteer, there are many seniors who may go unnoticed in doing their own form of making a difference and a nomination is a great way to acknowledge that.

The Senior Task Force is now accepting nominations. Candidates must be 60 years of age and older. Nomination forms can be found at Naperville.il.us/seniortaskforce. Completed forms can be emailed to jjmg4423@comcast.net or mailed directly to John Gallagher at 23W271 Creek Court, Naperville 60540-9430. For questions, contact John Gallagher directly at (630) 362-5105. Feel free to add photos, articles, and anything that will enhance the nominee’s information. The more information, the better.

Deadline for nominations is August 31. The winner will receive an award and personal recognition by the mayor at the City Council meeting October 15.

Gallagher is always touched to see how impactful this recognition is. “Seniors have the history of the town, and a lot of them want to give back. In many cases, they have made Naperville what it is today.”

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Arlene Orr
Arlene Orr
Arlene Orr is a Naperville resident and member of the Naperville Senior Task Force.