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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

City Awarded Funding to Perform Preventative EAB Treatment on Ash Trees


Ash trees along neighborhood parkways provide lush canopies in many Naperville neighborhoods. Thanks to local awareness that began in 2008, lessons for emerald ash borer (EAB) treatment have been learned and many ash trees have been saved. (PN File Photo, Summer 2016)

Spring, summer, fall and winter, PN finds its placemark in the street to take this view of an ash tree along Sequoia Road, among many in the City’s treatment program. This photo was taken on April 25, 2024. 
As the seasons change, they also shift from year to year, arriving earlier and later, according to photos saved in our files. (PN File Photo 2019)

City of Naperville Report

The City of Naperville was awarded a $30,000 grant to protect the health of its urban forest by performing treatment on ash trees not already infested with emerald ash borer (EAB). This grant was requested to assist in funding the treatment of ash trees across Naperville during the spring and summer of 2024. The grant funds will cover the cost of treatment for roughly 400 ash trees.

The City of Naperville currently has over 11,000 ash trees in its public right-of-ways and has been performing preventative EAB treatment on ash trees since 2008. While many communities lost a significant number of their ash tree canopy due to EAB, Naperville has seen growth in its ash tree canopy, which is a testament to continued prevention efforts.

“The cost to keep ash trees alive is significantly less than the economic and environmental benefits they provide,” said Public Works Director Dick Dublinski. “We’re grateful for these grant funds that will help us continue to be a leader in the fight against emerald ash borer.”

An invasive pest, emerald ash borer can cause widespread tree damage in communities if left unmanaged. The treatment of healthy ash trees is important to curb emerald ash borer infestation and safeguard communities against hazards posed by dead ash trees.

Funding for this project was provided by the Urban and Community Forestry Programs of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and USDA Forest Service Eastern Region. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. These funds were administered by The Morton Arboretum’s Chicago Region Trees Initiative (CRTI).

“Emerald ash borer prevention and mitigation will help strengthen the health of our urban forests,” said CRTI Interim Director Melissa Custic. “From stormwater management to improved air quality, trees benefit us all. Projects like this are imperative to support urban forests.”

To learn more about how the City is protecting its ash trees and what you can do if you have a tree that needs treatment, visit www.naperville.il.us/eab. For more information about the City of Naperville, visit www.naperville.il.us.   

PN Editor’s Note / Back in 2010, when it became apparent that the West Wind subdivision had an abundance of ash trees, both in homeowners’ yards and along its parkways, this publication began to promote a “Save Your Ash” campaign. In addition, awareness regarding the good commonsense to plant a “variety” of trees for the survival and protection of all also became a mission.

One more thing: On Oct. 20, 2010, PN’s publisher wrote about early treatment of EAB that was featured in her weekly column, “Around Naperville,” in the Daily Herald. Thanks to the City of Naperville for saving many of our ash trees.


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City of Naperville
City of Napervillehttp://www.naperville.il.us.
About Naperville: Located 28 miles west of Chicago, Naperville, Ill., is home to approximately 145,000 people. This vibrant, thriving City consistently ranks as a top community in the nation in which to live, raise children and retire. The City is home to acclaimed public and parochial schools, the best public library system in the country, an array of healthcare options and an exceptionally low crime rate. Naperville has ready access to a variety of public transportation, housing and employment options. The City’s diversified employer base features high technology firms, retailers and factories, as well as small and home-based businesses. Residents also enjoy world-class parks, diverse worship options, the opportunity to serve on several City boards and commissions, a thriving downtown shopping and dining area, a renowned outdoor history museum known as Naper Settlement and an active civic community. For more information, please visit our website at www.naperville.il.us.