34.8 F
Monday, February 10, 2025

Blessings to all during this time of hope, joy and renewal


Above / Did you know? Victorian postcards were prominently featured at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago, which boosted their visibility and use. Victorian Easter postcards, many with joyful greetings and humorous illustrations of chicks, eggs and bunnies, followed to become popular collectibles.

Find faith, hope and courage in nature and the holidays that connect in spring. Easter arrives like the daffodils and other flowers that grace the local landscape where peaceful places such as the Riverwalk welcome visitors.

Daffodils greet visitors to Sindt Woods in springtime along the Naperville Riverwalk. Experience the beauty of the changing colors of wildflowers throughout the wooded landscape now through late summer. Budding bluebells will blanket the area soon. Be safe. Be smart. Be healthy. (PN Photo)

Christians believe that Easter, like Passover, is a time of rescue and renewal. Jesus was celebrating the Jewish festival of Passover shortly before he was arrested and sentenced. Easter celebrates the return to life of Jesus Christ after His Crucifixion. Christians say that by His death and Resurrection, Jesus rescued them from eternal death and punishment for their sins.

The stained-glass at Grace United Methodist Church helps tell the story of Easter. (PN File Photo)

Known as a movable feast, Easter is observed on the first Sunday after the full moon following the first day of spring equinox.

With loving hearts, open minds and good faith, celebrate the traditions and natural wonders of this day and every day.

Find peace with beauty in Veterans Park along Gartner Road where individuals can pause to reflect upon the sacrifices many families have made and continue to make to protect public safety. Thanks to all who serve. We are forever grateful for everyone’s working to make our world a safer, better place. (PN Photo)

God bless us every one. Happy springtime! Happy Easter!


Christian churches will be hosting Easter services throughout the morning. (Postcard image courtesy of Bryan Ogg)
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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.