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Naperville Municipal Band is set to perform with MVHS bands on March 17


Metea Valley High School is represented among Grammy Signature Gold designations for its music. The school’s mascot is featured on the Metea Mustangs mural, pictured above, created by artist Eulojio Ortega in the gymnasium. The mural was completed in September 2009 when the third high school in the Indian Prairie School District 204 opened. (PN File Photo)

Update, March 17, 2024 / Congratulations to 8th Grade Scholarship Award Winners from Indian Prairie School District 204. Band students representing each of the seven middle schools in District 204 received recognition during Sunday’s Naperville Municipal Band Concert at Metea.

In April, the print publication of Positively Naperville will feature the rest of the story about the NMB 8th Grade Awards program that recognizes students in both School Districts 203 and 204 with scholarships. Student recipients can apply the funds toward music lessons, instruments or band camps. (PN Photo)

Updated Reminder, March 16, 2024 / Thanks to all NMB fans for helping to spread the word about the Winter Concert to be held on stage in the Metea Valley High School Auditorium, located at 1801 N. Eola Road in Aurora. Plenty of parking is available. At 3PM, Sun., March 17, two award-winning music programs will perform together.

Let there be memorable year-round music! The award-winning Naperville Municipal Band performs indoors several times after the outdoor summer Thursday night season in Central Park. Indoor concerts include programs that pay tribute to Veterans Day, the holiday season and winter. (PN Photo 2023)

Originally Posted, March 6, 2024 / The Naperville Municipal Band will present its annual Winter Concert at 3PM Sun., March 17, in the Metea Valley High School Auditorium.

Under the leadership of Director Emily Binder, the community band will be joined by the Metea Valley High School band in “A Salute to Lifelong Musicianship.”

The Metea Valley Wind Ensemble will perform under the direction of Don Devany.
“The Metea Valley Wind Ensemble and the Naperville Municipal Band are very excited to present a variety of repertoire including the music of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Duke Ellington, Sousa, The Lion King, and more,” said Binder. “The Municipal Band will open their portion of the concert with a brief remembrance of our beloved Director Emeritus, Ron Keller and Mistress of Ceremonies, Ann Lord.”
Binder continued, “We will also be honoring the District 204 Middle School Scholarship winners who will get to join both bands for the performance of The Lion King. Most importantly, we will be celebrating that ‘Music is for Life’ because musicians ranging in age from 14 to over 90 will be sharing the stage and coming together to create a delightful afternoon of music. It is going to be a wonderful concert and we look forward to seeing you there!”

The public is welcome to the free concert as band members celebrate an afternoon of music.

Metea Valley High School is located at 1801 N. Eola Road in Aurora. Plenty of parking is available.

Save the date for the Spring Concert, May 14

Also note to mark calendars for the Community Concert in Central Park on Sunday afternoon, May 14. The Naperville Municipal Concert Band and Big Band will share the performance stage with the Young Naperville Singers, DuPage Youth Symphony and New Horizons Band to celebrate musical excellence. The outdoor concert is free of charge.

Details will be posted soon on the NMB website, www.napervilleband.org.

2024 Summer Concert Series, June 6 thru Aug. 7, in Central Park

Save Thursday evenings for the Naperville Municipal Band summer concert series set to begin at 7:30PM from Thurs., June 6 through Thurs., Aug. 15.

The above 11-week Thursday evening schedule includes performances of the Naperville Municipal Band Big Band on June 20 and Aug. 8.

NOTE! The annual Patriot Concert with the 1812 Overture timed for Independence Day will be performed at 7:30PM Wed., July 3. As always, this evening in Central Park is a blast!

Let there be music…

The poem, #30, is from a collection titled What to Listen for in the World by composer, conductor and music educator Bruce Adolphe. 

True music will never be played out.
It’s value is eternal.
There are always new listeners
for whom it is a discovery.
There are always new performers
who reveal unheard aspects.
And those new listeners may be us again.
For as we gather memories,
our minds change;
When we have forgotten things,
music we have loved can help us remember –
not merely things but ourselves.
Assistant Director Bill Jastrow read the poem during the December Naperville Municipal Band Concert at Neuqua Valley High School.
Last Updated, March 16, 2024
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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.