Above / The street named for President George Washington runs north to south in Naperville. Here Washington Street crosses Jefferson Avenue in the heart of downtown. From now through October, Washington Street is undergoing Phase Two of a new streetscape project.
The city’s most important thoroughfare through downtown Naperville crosses under the BNSF railway tracks near Fifth Avenue and over bridges of the West Branch of the DuPage River.

In addition to vehicular traffic, many small businesses, schools, churches and more dot the landscape along busy Washington Street. One business, Beidelman Furniture, was established in 1861 on the corner of Washington Street and Jackson Avenue, and is among the oldest ongoing businesses in the suburbs.
Inspired to update what we’ve posted in the past about no school on Presidents Day, a report in the Wall Street Journal on Feb. 17, 2023, suggested that “kids lose something when schools aren’t named after Lincoln and Washington.”
To its credit, Naperville Community Unit School District 203 has recognized George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, and John F. Kennedy by naming all five of its junior high schools to honor U.S. Presidents. (Kennedy Jr. High School is located in Lisle.)
We also recalled a story six years ago by then-PN columnist and local historian Bryan Ogg. Appropriately known as the “History Detective,” Ogg also wrote Naperville: A Brief History, published by The History Press in 2018. Copies of his book remain available at the Walgreens located on Rickert at Sequoia.
To enhance a story about Abraham Lincoln, Ogg provided this 1939 photo of the original Pre-Emption House when it was located at Chicago Avenue and Main Street in downtown Naperville. (Where Sullivan’s Steakhouse is now.) Today the re-creation of the Pre-Emption stands at Webster and Aurora Avenue, serving as the gateway to Naper Settlement, the city’s outdoor history museum.

Note the image of Honest Abe on the large sign over the door that proclaims, “One of Abraham Lincoln’s Favorite Stops Built in 1831. From the door above, he spoke to our forefathers.”
According to Ogg, sometime between 1931 and 1946 local lore began circulating that Lincoln spoke on the porch of the Pre-Emption House. To this day, evidence of truth in that legend has not been proven as fact.
From 15,000 biographies to Lincoln Logs to ‘Laughing Lincoln’
Moving right along, last Monday, Feb. 12, was the 215th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.
According to literary sources, more books, as many as 15,000, have been written about Lincoln than any other American. Abe Lincoln’s image is on the $5 bill. And what other U.S. President was named in a popular learning toy for children? Remember Lincoln Logs?
Very briefly profiled here, Lincoln was born in Kentucky and lived in Indiana prior to moving to Illinois where he became a lawyer. From 1834 to 1849, he served in and out of politics in Springfield and Washington, D. C., returning to politics in 1854. He was a leader of the Republican Party which was established in 1856 to oppose slavery. In 1861, he began his first term as the 16th U.S. President, the same year the Confederate States proposed to withdraw from the Union, and the Civil War broke out. Lincoln is credited for the memorable phrase “Government of the people, by the people and for the people,” an excerpt from his Gettysburg Address in 1863. He was assassinated in 1865.

For 37 years until 2019, Civil War Days was a historical event reenacted at Naper Settlement with a costumed interpreter portraying Abe Lincoln. Naper Settlement’s offices and site will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19, 2024, for Presidents Day. The museum will resume normal operations on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024.
Yet, the bronze sculpture of “Laughing Lincoln” in Naperville’s Central Park welcomes guests to sit down for a good joke every day.

Click here to a photo gallery of images of many familiar faces taken during “Laughing Lincoln” Dedication Day for Century Walk in December 2018. The dedication was coordinated with the 200th anniversary of Illinois’ becoming the 21st State of the Union that occurred on Dec. 3, 2018.
Remember 2024 Presidents Day on February 19
In a nutshell, Presidents Day is celebrated annually on the third Monday in February, giving local schools. U.S. Stock Markets and some government agencies a three-day weekend. For 2024, Presidents Day is Mon. Feb. 19. Remember! No mail delivery today.
(Note: In Naperville, because of school closures on the holiday, School District 203 will hold its board meeting, typically held on the third Monday, at 7PM Tues., Feb. 22, 2024, at the District Administration Center, 203 W. Hillside Road. Note also: the next Regular Meeting of the Board of Education in School District 204 will begin at 7PM Mon., Feb. 26, 2024, at 780 Shoreline Dr., Aurora, IL.
Officially established in 1968 to honor the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the holiday law was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson and the third-Monday date for Presidents Day was selected since it coincides closest with Washington’s birth date on February 22, 1732.
Prior to 1968, the holiday for George Washington was held on February 22 in many states.

Certainly, most folks have learned and recognize Washington as the first U.S. President. He’s the face on the one dollar bill. Born in Virginia in 1732, Washington served against the French in the Seven Years War. When conflict between the British government and the Americans over taxation came to a head, Washington led as a successful general, leading troops to victory at Yorktown, Pennsylvania, in 1781, essentially ending the war. In 1787, Washington presided over the Philadelphia Convention of 39 men, aiming to formulate the U.S. Constitution. He served as President, limiting himself to two terms from 1789 to 1797. Washington died in 1799.
Four U.S. Presidents born in February
Four U.S. Presidents were born in February, even though Lincoln and Washington are the two statesmen mentioned to honor on Presidents Day. In addition to Washington and Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and William Henry Harrison share this birthday month.
Born in Virginia on Feb. 9, 1773, William Henry Harrison served as an American military officer and politician prior to being elected the ninth President of the U.S., beginning in 1841. At the time, Harrison, age 68, had been the oldest of any president to win election. On his 32nd day in office, he died of what was believed to be pneumonia. Harrison is distinguished for serving the shortest tenure in U.S. Presidential history.
More than a century later on February 6, 1911, Ronald Reagan was born in northern Illinois. Reagan was renowned as a TV actor and movie star prior to his election as Governor of California in 1967. In 1980, Reagan won a Republican presidency, followed in 1984 with a land side victory, serving two terms as the 40th Commander in Chief. Reagan died in 2004.

A few factoids for Presidents Day in 2024
Though some folks think that honoring all U.S. Presidents on Presidents’ Day diminishes the stature of Washington and Lincoln, most Americans are now OK with a federal holiday to recognize all 46 U.S. presidencies. To date, 45 different individuals have served as president. Grover Cleveland is distinguished as having been the only individual elected to two nonconsecutive terms (March 4, 1885 – March 4, 1889 and March 4, 1893 – March 4, 1897) near the end of the 19th century.
To our knowledge, only George W. Bush and Barack Obama have visited Naperville during this millennium. Both men, however, visited prior to becoming President and never while in office. While campaigning for President, Bush spoke at Naperville North High School in 2000 just prior to the Jaycees Labor Day Parade. Shortly after his election to serve in the U.S. Senate, Senator Obama gave a speech in 2005 in Pfeiffer Hall at North Central College.
Look up and all around for signs of history

Stroll the Naperville Riverwalk where furry friends scurry and ducks and geese hurry across the winding brick path.
Though closed on Presidents Day, other times venture over to Naper Settlement where local history comes alive throughout the 12-acre village.
Book tickets at the theater venues and explore the art galleries at North Central College. Think dinner and the show. Make reservations for special occasions.
Experience history. Shop locally. Keep moving forward. Look up. Winter is more than half way to springtime. Thanks for reading!
Editor’s Note / Some of the dates and facts were found in the “everyday handbook,” Dictionary of American Politics.
Previous PN Posts related to President George Washington
George Washington’s Egg Nog (Complete with Recipe!)
Remember Constitution Week every September
Kindness in Naperville was influenced by George Washington’s Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior
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Presidents Day! Naperville schools are closed.
Check out shops and eateries as well as other services and businesses located along Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Van Buren streets!
Who was President when you were born?