Writing the annual holiday letter forces me to pause at the busiest time of the year and take stock of what has unfolded over the last twelve months.
2023 was so full of complexity, milestones and events, it was unsurprising that I had forgotten just how much had happened. It did, however, explain why taking a year-end trip was something I was particularly looking forward to.
Our family travel group was much smaller than it had been the previous year. I noted that every unit spent much more time quietly reading for a portion of each day, whether on a phone, an iPad, with headphone audio books or the more rare paper book. We all seemed to feel a bit of the same need to decompress.
Usually when we get back to the Midwest, I am in no hurry to take down the Christmas tree, because I haven’t had my fill enjoying it. But this time, we came back to too much time indoors due to the Arctic blast that dropped temperatures like a stone, and all the holiday clutter started feeling claustrophobic.
I have been known to break into the Mighty Mouse song for our grandchildren when I am about to perform a “feat” of no particular note, and I want to make whatever I’m doing more fun. But Mighty Mouse was down for the count this January with a mystery virus that bit almost all of us in the family.
Days were spent in pajamas, which just this once supported my position that in this climate you can never have too many sets of various warmth levels, nor too many bathrobes.
The good news was that while I was feeling lousy, I lost what little weight I had gained on vacation. But I also got tired of those holiday decorations really fast!
And though the weather really hasn’t changed, we have bounced back.
Even February looks great, when you appreciate your good health. ©