28.5 F
Saturday, February 15, 2025

January Editor’s Notes


Rolling right along…

Round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows. Could it be déjà vu all over again? We already seem to be behind the eight ball as our first press date for the year was January 8.

And folks have been emailing and calling, “Where’s the paper? Is everything OK?”

Happy to be missed, we appreciate all readers who wonder. We again remind folks that for 20 years PN has gone to press after the first week in January, hopeful by then folks are as eager as we are to pay attention to a preview of what’s coming soon. Publishing late also includes our resolve not to be tossed out with the holiday wrappings while seasonal decorations are put away for another year.

Then we got to thinking about the phrase “Round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.” A quick search informed us that “round and round she goes…” was one of the lines from “Major Bowes Original Amateur Hour,” a radio show that ran from 1934-1948. After making the transition to television as the “Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour,” the talent show ran until 1970. Some folks have suggested the amateur hour was the original “American Idol.”

We’re sometimes confronted with the realization that we’re currently culturally illiterate. Though we know a lot about Naperville, its history, its traditions and its can-do spirit, we’re ignorant (hopefully, not willfully ignorant) about some places beyond our borders, pop stars, movies and information that might make us good at trivia.

(PN Online Note / The West Suburban Irish is set to host its monthly Quiz Night beginning at 7PM Tues., Jan. 9, a week later than usual. Stay tuned for any change in the plan due to weather conditions. Otherwise, put a team together and join the friendly competition for silly prizes at Quigley’s Irish Pub.)

And speaking of trivia, we oftentimes receive promotional emails from our favorite local grocer with an enticing special listed in subject line. For instance, recently the subject read, “Butcher’s Choice: 5lb Bags of Ground Chuck.”

Instantly, we thought of many good friends named “Chuck.” And we chuckled as we reminisced about first grade when Chuckie White invited all of the kids on the school bus to his family’s doughnut shop. And we all went. Nothing is quite as tasty as a half dozen hot glazed doughnuts right off the conveyor belt.

Quite by coincidence last week we were walking by Jefferson at Ellsworth streets and there was a sign on the corner for the law firm Dommermuth, Cobine, West, Genzler, Philipchuck and Corrigan. And we wondered if anyone had noticed that Philipchuck is followed by Corrigan. PhilipChuck Corrigan, get it?

And we chuckled again, mindful at how easily amused we are sometimes, especially when we’re on information overload as we are right now.

Happiness is good health!

It’s cold and flu season. Remember to roll up your sleeves and wash hands thoroughly, including just above your wrist. Time your thorough hand washing with as long as it takes to sing a verse of “Happy Birthday” or perhaps with the first verse of “Old Lang Sang.”

Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne

While washing your hands, bid farewell to germs. Just don’t wash away your common sense.

Cheers to good health and prosperity every day of the year while also taking time to be happy go lucky in the great outdoors whenever possible.

– Stephanie Penick
PN Publisher

One more thing… Distribution of the January issue will begin Wed., Jan. 10, 2024. Again, many thanks for asking and for reading.

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.