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2023 Santa Claus Rules


Above / Santa appears to be entering Quigley’s Irish Pub on a Sunday morning in December, just one of his many rules and just in time for families to take Pictures with Santa and the Leprechaun. (PN File Photo, Dec. 2022)

The Sunday staff at Quigley’s Irish Pub welcomed the jolly old elf in the red suit and the Leprechaun in the green top hat to sit by the hearth and listen to requests from kids with high hopes Santa that would be there with their most-wanted gifts for Christmas. Santa made no promises. Many families noted that for more than a dozen years, they had saved and framed Pictures with Santa and the Leprechaun. Sláinte! (PN Photo, Dec. 3, 2023)
Harper was happy to tell Santa her visit was the first time she’d ever told Santa in person what she wanted for Christmas. Santa was very, very pleased to meet her. And Harper promised to be very good. (PN Photo, Dec. 3, 2023)

Original Post, Dec. 1, 2023, Updated Dec. 3, 2023 / These 12 Santa Claus Rules for Santa’s kind helpers should be followed by every person who wears a big red Santa Suit to provide assistance to the real Santa during the holiday season.

The image of Santa Claus is influenced by every person who portrays Santa Claus. Respect for the history and importance of jolly Old Saint Nicholas so every child enjoys the wonder of the season and a positive experience dates back hundreds of years. Santa Claus— also known as Santa, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick and Kris Kringle – and his legendary sleigh ride that departs from the North Pole at midnight at the beginning of Christmas Day are magical in the memories of young and old.

1. Santa Claus with his snow white beard (sometimes short, sometimes long, depending on his haircut schedule) always wears a clean, well-fitting big red suit with a black belt and white gloves. (Santa’s helpers never have bare hands.)

2. Santa is familiar with this year’s favorite toys and never asks, “What kind of toy is that?” (The elves in Santa’s workshop always search online for the hottest toys to have plenty prepared for Santa’s pack.).

3. Santa Claus always knows the popular kids’ videos and movies that might have marketed toys, too. (For 2023, Santa will know about Bluey, Paw Patrol, Barbie, Gabby’s Dollhouse, Peter Pan and Mario Brothers.)

4. Santa Claus should never, ever promise a specific gift.

5. Santa Claus always has a courteous, cheerful demeanor.

6. Santa Claus is careful with children. He always asks the parents to place their baby on his lap.

7. Santa Claus never displays inappropriate behavior.

8. Santa Claus always has good hygiene.

9. Santa Claus never uses drugs or smokes.

10. Santa Claus is punctual. Christmas Eve is Santa’s big night to check his list, get ready and pack his sleigh! The truth is Santa begins his deliveries promptly at Midnight on Christmas Day December 25. It’s a wonder and a miracle that most years Santa has made his rounds throughout the world by 5AM Christmas morning.

11. Santa Claus never, ever accepts tips. (Cookies and milk are OK Christmas Eve, however. And birch leaves, crusty lichens and/or reindeer moss are preferred for Santa’s reindeer. No carrots, please.)

12. Santa Claus should maintain liability insurance.

Savor memories of Pictures with Santa and the Leprechaun from 2015 at Quigley’s Irish Pub where many familiar folks have enjoyed EDAQ for 25 years. (PN File Photo)

Santa visited Quigley’s Irish Pub for photos from on Sun., Dec. 3, 2023. Watch for news next fall when Pictures with Santa and Leprechaun will return on a Sunday early in December 2024. 

One more thing… Can you believe the movie “Elf” was released 20 years ago? And Elf knows Santa Claus. He knows him!

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PN Ombudsman
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