Update, Jan. 18, 2024 / The other day a couple of lifelong Naperville residents and longtime PN readers told us that “Growing Up in Naperville” would be missed. Since 2020, Ron Keller’s memories featured in his monthly column have connected the growing community with the past 84 years.
News that Ron Keller is receiving Hospice care at St. Patrick’s Residence after in-and-out stays at Edward now is featured at Ron Keller’s “Caring Bridge.”
Ron’s family created a “Caring Bridge” website in order to share developments and updates, making sure they are including everyone who loves Ron.
“Because there are so many, it’s been hard to make sure everyone is kept in the loop, so hopefully this page can serve as update central going forward. I (Jeri Thompson) am putting this together in the hopes that y’all will feel comfortable using this site to share questions and thoughts, and also, should you need anything, you can feel comfortable reaching out to me.”
www.caringbridge.org/visit/ronaldjkeller (This is NOT a funding or donations page, merely a place to share information. Site created on Dec. 31, 2023.)
Originally Posted, Nov. 3, 2023 / One of my first memories as a five-year-old boy was November 11. It used to be called Armistice Day and at exactly 11 o’clock the Kroehler Factory whistle would blow for a minute and the fire station downtown would blow the siren for a minute. I had to stand and face the east and put my hand over my heart. My mother tried to explain to me the meaning of the time when the first World War ended.
And today my thoughts also turn to music in November.

For instance, the Municipal Band’s Fall concert begins at 4PM on Sun., Nov. 5, at Wentz Hall. It will be the first concert conducted by the new Municipal Band Director, Emily Binder. She’s an outstanding musician and dedicated band director, and she was one of my students when she was in high school!
Bill Jastrow is the new assistant conductor and he will direct several numbers on the concert as well.
November 6 is John Philip Sousa’s birthday! It is interesting to note that Sousa died 91 years ago and his name is still magic! Every year people would ask me, “When is the next Sousa concert?”
In 1990, Norman Smith, band historian and retired music educator, compiled a survey of 700 band directors to name their top 10 marches and in the top ten were five Sousa marches!
This year Thanksgiving comes on Thurs., Nov. 23, and growing up in our family, it was always a big day. Grandpa Keller wanted all his kids and grandkids to come for dinner. There were 12 aunts and uncles and 12 grand kids! There was turkey and goose, two kinds of stuffing, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, gravy and corn and beans as the vegetable. There was always a fruit dish and pumpkin and apple pie.
Thanksgiving was the only time I got to see all my cousins!
The next day, my mom, Aunt Pearl and my sister, Julie, and I would take the train into Chicago. We’d look at all the decorated windows of Sears, Montgomery Ward, the Fair Store and Marshall Field’s.
The fourth floor of Marshall Field’s was the toy floor with lots of electric trains running, both toy trains and a bigger train. The bigger train was powered by a small diesel engine and carried passenger cars that children up to 10 years old could ride.
It was a sad day for me when I could no longer ride the children’s train.
I’ve been on several really nice train trips over the years and even now I like to go to the Train Depot parking lot in Naperville and watch the trains, coming and going, with my train buddies who love trains as much as I do.
What great memories!