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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Police Report: How the Naperville Police Departments are organized


Our aim at Positively Naperville as a communicator of local news is to try to provide the straight scoop, void of hearsay or trying to stir the pot. We try to trust news tips. We’ve also learned to verify. And we’ve established policies to help determine what to preview in this monthly publication.

In recent months, several readers have wondered how the Naperville Police Departments are organized. While information is available on the City’s website and during City Council meetings, we thought we’d take a little time during Crime Prevention Month to provide some thoughts.

During a recent “Chat with the Chief” held at Royal Food Court, located near Patel Brothers on Ogden Avenue, more than 40 residents showed up, also with questions. Naperville Police Chief Jason Arres said most residents expressed concerns about traffic safety and other rules of the road that motorists and bicyclists seem to ignore.

Slow down, Naperville. Follow the rules of the road.

With approximately 270-members, the Naperville Police Department, under the leadership of Chief Arres, is divided into three divisions, providing a wide array of preventative and responsive services to the city.

  • The patrol division (led by Deputy Chief Chad Bissegger) responds to calls for service and provides routine patrol and traffic enforcement.
  • The investigations division (led by Deputy Chief Jason Zbrozek) is responsible for conducting follow-up investigations of crimes, implementing community programs and crime analysis.
  • The administrative services division (led by Deputy Director Russ Matson) is comprised of non-sworn employees in the areas of emergency communications (PSAP), records, information technology and accreditation.

A brief bio of NPD Chief Arres

Naperville Police Chief Jason Arres

Chief Arres began his career at the Naperville Police Department as a patrol officer in 2001. Prior to assuming duties as Chief in Nov. 2021, he served as an undercover detective for the Special Enforcement Unit, a detective in the Intelligence Unit, and a member of the NPD’s Special Response Team.

Arres held the positions of patrol, K-9 and administrative sergeant as well as patrol and professional standards commander. He was promoted to deputy chief in January of 2017 and led both the investigations and patrol divisions, overseeing Naperville’s Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatch center.

What’s more, Arres spearheaded the launch of the NPD’s Public Safety Incident Map and Facebook page and was instrumental in the procurement and implementation of in-car cameras. He also served on the City’s website, security camera and ERP committees and took the lead on the revamping of the NPD’s response to resistance policy and process.

While meeting with Arres recently, he reminded us that sworn officers must uphold the Constitution of the United States. With that, he opened his desk drawer where he keeps his copy of the rule of law, picked it up and proudly waved it.

The City of Naperville website provides info on the NPD available around the clock. Click here!

For a direct link to the Crime and Incident Data, click here.

In a related query / A Veteran who no longer subscribes to cable TV inquired how to watch City Council meetings from home. Watching meetings and workshops is available from the City’s web site, too.

Open minds and critical thinking are greatly needed to stay engaged with local happenings by tuning into City Council meetings and budget workshops. Simply look for “Streaming Media Archives Videos and Meeting Documents” at www.Naperville.il.us.

Also, whenever you want to watch City Council meetings streaming or saved in the City’s archive, visit naperville.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=2. We visit that link featuring many choices often.


Thanks for supporting law enforcement, safe streets and the rule of law. 

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.