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Mesón Sabika plans complimentary traditional Thanksgiving Dinners for families in need


Above / Mesón Sabika, located at 1025 Aurora Avenue in Naperville, is getting set to open its doors for Thanksgiving to serve complimentary “take-out” dinners that guests will pick up. 

Updated, Oct. 27, 2023 / Mesón Sabika and Tapas Valencia already have reservations for 4,000 traditional turkey dinners on Thanksgiving Day. The restaurants are no longer posting the annual request for sign-ups on social media. Thanks to everybody who assisted in spreading the word about this offer to folks in need at Thanksgiving.

Originally posted, Sept. 30, 2023 / Note that for Thanksgiving Day 2023, Mesón Sabika again is set to provide 3,000 complimentary traditional turkey dinners (all to be pre- ordered) with all the trimmings to-go, available for pick up at the restaurant between 10:30AM and 1PM, Thurs., Nov. 23.

Mesón Sabika owner Hossein Jamali is hopeful local residents will help spread the word.

The complimentary dinners are for those individuals and families in need, no matter if the need is financial, physical or emotional.

How to place orders to go for Thanksgiving Day

Orders must be placed by Thurs., Nov. 16, 2023. To place a Thanksgiving Day order call Mesón Sabika at (630) 983-3000.

Mesón Sabika is located at 1025 Aurora Avenue in Naperville.

Illuminated for the 2020 Thanksgiving holidays, Meson Sabika is known for its commitment to open its doors to the community whenever there’s a special need. Thanks, Hossein Jamali and all!

Tapas Valencia offers complimentary take-out dinners, too

Note also that the same schedule for 500 complimentary Thanksgiving dinners will be provided at Tapas Valencia, an easy ride from Naperville to its location at 1530 S. State Street in Chicago. For reservations in Chicago, call (312) 842-4444.

On Thanksgiving Day, Mesón Sabika in Naperville and Tapas Valencia in Chicago are closed  for dine-in service.

Mesón Sabika also is prepared for 2023 holiday parties

After Thanksgiving, Meson Sabika will be decked out for the holiday season and New Year’s Eve.

The folks at Mesón Sabika welcome guests to book special events for the holidays. Life’s milestones—anniversaries, bridal and baby showers, baptisms, birthdays, first communions, rehearsal dinners and retirement parties—can be accommodated.

For more information, visit www.mesonsabika.com.

A little history of counting blessings at Mesón Sabika

Originally Posted, Oct. 23, 2019 – Updated slightly, Sept. 30, 2023 / Since 2001, Mesón Sabika has been serving complimentary Thanksgiving dinners to individuals and families in need of a place to celebrate America’s special holiday.

Hossein Jamali

That tradition has continued, and all these years later Mesón Sabika once again will open its doors to as many as 3,000 people looking to share a meal with dignity and compassion, no matter if the need is financial, emotional or friendly fellowship.

Reservations are now being accepted by calling Mesón Sabika at (630) 983-3000. 

According to Hossein Jamali, co-owner of Mesón Sabika, over the years the restaurant has welcomed a lot of people with many different challenges on Thanksgiving Day. Jamali’s often said that getting to know his appreciative guests often reminds him how much some people take every-day life for granted.

Jamali also is mindful of recent devastating natural disasters—hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes and tornadoes— that have left families homeless throughout the world.

“Even many people here are experiencing some level of poverty or health challenges or coping with flooding,” said Jamali. “Maybe if we tried harder to understand how much others have lost or need, we wouldn’t take what we have here so much for granted. Maybe we’d find more compassion for all the losses and needs.”

Memories of Special Thanksgivings 

Every year Hossein Jamali counts his blessings with the hope folks in need will find a place at his tables to count theirs.

Jamali also is hopeful folks will help spread the word about the Thanksgiving dinner he offers free of charge for families in need at his two restaurants—Mesón Sabika in Naperville and Tapas Valencia in Chicago.

Memories of Warm Welcomes, Staff & Community Volunteers

With kindness and a smile, volunteers served pumpkin pie to top off Thanksgiving dinner for 18 years! 

The regular staff of the restaurant steps up to volunteer their time to serve the holiday meal while community volunteers make up the rest of the very busy staff that serves the meal that day.


Mesón Sabika receives many requests from people in the community that wish to volunteer; unfortunately, everyone cannot be accommodated. 

The guests that typically come for a meal include those that may be financially challenged and/or physically or emotionally challenged. Others are there because they have no one with whom to share the holiday. All the guests are welcomed with a warm smile and a delicious meal.

After all the guests are served, the staff, volunteers and their families are invited to stay and enjoy dinner together.

(PN File Photos)


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