The following “Important Message” was sent via email to individuals with a relationship with Indian Prairie Community Unit School District 204.
As you may have recently seen in the news, hoax bomb threat calls have been an issue for schools, school districts, and public libraries throughout the country over the past few weeks. Today, the Eola Community Center was the target of a hoax call indicating an active shooter and/or bomb threat. The Aurora Police Department and the Fox Valley Park District Police immediately investigated and determined there was no active threat.
As a precautionary measure, Waubonsie Valley High School, Fischer Middle School, McCarty Elementary, and Steck Elementary were placed on a secure building and teach.
As hoax calls continue to occur throughout the country, and are now happening within our local community, we are asking parents to continue the practice of not sharing false information on social media. If an incident occurs in your child’s school, we will make you aware of the details as soon as possible.
Currently no other hoax calls have been attributed to District 204 schools. We appreciate the prompt work of the Aurora Police Department to ensure our schools remain safe.
—Indian Prairie School District 204,
Editor’s Note / Individuals who attend or watch public meetings likely are aware that local officials urge all residents to call 9-1-1 whenever they see something suspicious. It’s up to all residents to help keep this community safe.