Above / Flags fly high at the Naperville Municipal Center, located at 400 S. Eagle Street, along the DuPage River in downtown Naperville. City Council meetings and workshops as well as City board and commission meetings are held in the Municipal Center, aka “City Hall.” (PN Photo)
Government Offices
Local matters most!
Thanks for taking time to be informed…
Get to know elected officials. Become acquainted with the public policies they propose and advance. Watch public meetings whenever possible to avoid hearsay and/or comments taken out of context.
The Naperville community seeks reasonable, responsible women and men to serve during every election cycle. Pay attention now and consider the opportunity to serve on local boards and commissions to prepare for a run for public office to serve the City and other governing bodies.
The next Consolidated Election is set for April 1, 2025.
Find hyperlinks to public service beyond Naperville borders!
The 2025 Consolidated Election is Tues., April 1, 2025. Find candidates listed with click >>>here.
Six (6) Townships serve Naperville Township Trustees and elected officials are not posted here. Visit individual township websites for information about township government and how six townships serve Naperville. Thanks. DuPage County (Four Townships) Lisle Township – East of Washington at Modaff Milton Township – Small section on Naperville’s north side Naperville Township – West of Washington at Modaff Winfield Township – Small section on Naperville’s north side Will County (Two Townships) DuPage Township – East of Modaff, south of 87th St. Wheatland Township – West of Modaff, south of 87th St.COUNTY
Naperville is located in two (2) counties: DuPAGE COUNTY (Find all DuPage County officials listed.) WILL COUNTY (Find all Will County officials listed.)SPRINGFIELD
U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENTDo you know your elected officials from Naperville to Washington, D.C.? (Omissions or errors are not intentional.)
Council / Manager Government
Since 1969, the City of Naperville has governed as a Council/Manager form of government. Note also that beginning in 2015, the Naperville City Council has limits on its 4-year term. From now on, offices of mayor and city council member are limited to three terms. The Naperville Municipal Center is located at 400 S. Eagle Street. City Manager Doug Krieger Mayor Scott Wehrli Contact Mayor & City Council via https://napervilleil.mycusthelp.com/webapp/_rs/(S(oztnvvxwgptbcgfygxlpfdmw))/requestopen.aspx?rqst=124 – Ian Holzhauer* Patrick Kelly Paul Leong* Allison Longenbaugh Josh McBroom Jennifer Bruzan Taylor* Benny White* Nate Wilson *Term ends 2025 / All other terms end 2027. For direct email to City Council members, use last name and first initial @naperville.il.us. Example: hinterlongp@naperville.il.us. City Council meets first & third Tuesdays most months, 7PM (Check to confirm date and time.) Naperville City Council Chambers Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle St. Naperville City Council meetings are televised live on Channel 6 (Wide Open West) and Channel 10 (Comcast). Council meetings and workshops also stream “live” online from the City’s (click here) website. Council meetings also are saved online in the City’s archive for future viewing.SCHOOL DISTRICTS & BOARDS OF EDUCATION
School District 203
Dan Bridges, Superintendent of District 203. Send your comments to members of the School District 203 Board of Education: President Kristine Gericke, Kristin Fitzgerald*, Charles Cush*, Joe Kozminski, Amanda McMillen*, Melissa Kelley Black, Donna Wandke*. http://www.naperville203.org/board/Members.asp *Term ends 2025 / All other terms end 2027. Four-year terms are not limited. Send comments to administrators of School District 203 & Superintendent Dan Bridges at http://www.naperville203.org/contacts/comment-form.aspSchool District 204
Dr. Adrian Talley, Superintendent of Indian Prairie School District 204. Send your comments to members of the School District 204 Board of Education: President Laurie Donahue*, Mark Rising, Justin Karubas, Susan Demming*, Allison Fosdick*, Supna Jain* and Catey Genc at board-members@ipsd.org. *Term ends 2025 / All other terms end 2027. Four-year terms are not limited. Send comments to administrators of School District 204 & Superintendent Dr. Adrian Talley at 204-info@ipsd.org. DuPage Regional Office of Education Illinois State Board of Education U.S. Department of EducationNAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT
Naperville Park District
Naperville Park District / 320 West Jackson / (630) 848-5000 Executive Director Brad Wilson Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners: Mary Gibson (President)*, Rich Janor, Rhonda Ansier*, Leslie Ruffing*, Alison Thompson*, John Risvold and Chris Jacks. *Term ends 2025 / All other terms end 2027. Four-year terms are not limited. Created in 1966, the Naperville Park District is an independent, municipal agency and special taxing district serving the recreation needs of its residents. Watch NPD Board of Commissioner meetings live streaming online or saved in the NPD archive. (Note: Much input and planning happen during committee meetings and workshops in advance of NPD Board of Commissioners meetings.)DuPage County / Wheaton
State’s Attorney
Bob Berlin (R)
Elizabeth Chaplin (D)
Bill White (D)
Judith Lukas R.N. (D)
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Candice Adams (D)
DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick (R) DuPage County Judicial – Not Listed DuPage County Treasurer Gwen Henry (R) DuPage County Auditor Bill White (D) DuPage County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek (D)DuPage County Board
DuPage County Board Chairman Deb Conroy (D) DuPage County Board (District 5) – Serving Naperville Dawn DeSart (D) Saba Haider (D) Sadia Covert (D) DuPage County Board (District 3) Brian J. Krajewski (R) Lucy Chang Evans (D) Kari Galassi (R) DuPage Forest Preserve President of Forest Preserve Daniel Hebreard (D) DuPage County Forest Preserve District 5 – Serving Naperville Barbara O’Meara (D) DuPage County Forest Preserve District 3 Steven Leopoldo (D)Will County / Joliet
Will County Board (District 10)
Meta Mueller, Aurora (D) Julie Anne Berkowicz, Naperville (R) Will County Sheriff Mike Kelley (D) Will County Clerk Lauren Staley-Ferry (D) Will County Treasurer Timothy M. Brophe (D) Will County 12th Judicial Click HereState of Illinois / Springfield
Illinois Governor / Lieutenant Governor J. B. Pritzker (D) Juliana Stratton (D) Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul (D) Illinois Secretary of State Alex Giannoulias (D) Illinois State Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza (D) Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs (D) INFO for the State of Illinois Executive BranchILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY
How to find your representative: scroll down to additional resources: click on legislator lookupIllinois State Senators
Laura Ellman (D) 21st District Naperville Office at 95th Street Y: laura.ellman@gmail.com, (630) 453-5488 Linda Holmes (D) 42nd District Springfield Office: 129 Capitol Building, Springfield, IL 62706(217) 782-0422 District Office: 76 S. LaSalle St., Unit 202, Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 801-8985 John F. Curran (R) 41st District Springfield Office: Senator 41st District 105A Capitol Building Springfield, IL 62706. Phone: (217) 782-9407 District Office: 1011 State St. Suite 210, Lemont, IL 60439. Phone: (630) 914-5733. FAX (630) 796-2658
Illinois State Representatives
Janet Yang Rohr (D-41) Springfield Office: 284-S Stratton Office Building, Springfield, IL 62706 District Office: 475 River Bend Road, Suite 500, Naperville, IL 60540. Phone: 630-296-4157 or info@repyangrohr.com Stephanie Kifowit (D-84) Springfield Office: 200-S3 Stratton Building, Springfield, IL 62706. Phone: (217) 782-8028 District Office: 1677 Montgomery Rd #116, Aurora, IL 60504. Phone: (630) 585-1308Washington, D.C.
Federal Government Firstgov: federal government official web portalU.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
Bill Foster (D) 11th Congressional District 2113 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515-1311Phone: (202) 225-3515 District Offices: Aurora. 2711 E New York Street. Suite 204. Aurora, IL 60502. Phone: (630) 585-7672. Joliet. 815 N. Larkin Avenue.2711 E New York St #204, Phone: (630) 585-7672 Sean Thomas Casten (D) 6th Congressional District 2440 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515-1311
Phone: (202) 225-4561
Sandwich, Illinois Office, 207 E. Church Street, Unit F, Sandwich, IL 60548
Phone: (630) 549-2190
Joliet, Illinois Office, 116 N. Chicago Street, Suite 201, Joliet, IL 60432
Phone: (630) 549-2190
Washington D.C. Office, 1410 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2976
Senator Dick Durbin (D) http://durbin.senate.gov/contact.cfm 332 Dirksen SOB, Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-2152 or 230 S. Dearborn Ste. 3892, Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (312) 353-4952 fax 312-353-0150 Senator Tammy Duckworth (D) G12 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2854 Fax: (202) 228-0618 or Chicago Senate Office 230 South Dearborn Street, Suite 3900, Chicago, IL 606041480. Phone: (312) 886-3506.PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (POTUS)
President Donald J. Trump at www.whitehouse.gov Mailing Address: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Phone Numbers: Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461 E-Mail comments@whitehouse.gov. Vice President JD Vance (R) The General Election on Nov. 5, 2024, resulted in both the Electoral Vote and Popular Vote victory of Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance. Note: Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States of America on January 20, 2025. J.D. Vance will serve as Vice President.Government Info to Know

Watch local public meetings live or replayed on-demand on the InternetResidents and interested parties can watch City Council meeting videos live and on-demand on their computer with the new eAgenda system recently implemented by the City of Naperville. Television broadcasts on local cable also continue on Channels 6 and 10, depending on cable provider. Regular meetings are scheduled to begin at 7PM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Service is available at www.naperville.il.us, allowing viewers to watch video and hear audio of City Council meetings as they are happening. Once the City Council meeting is complete, the video will be archived on the Website for access at future times.School District 204 (School Board Meetings & Much More)Naperville Park District (Click for NPD links featured)School District 203Note: Meeting times are subject to change and additional meetings added with advance notice. |
Why be an educated voter?
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” —Plato
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead
“If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free… it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” —Ronald Reagan
“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” —John F. Kennedy
“Democracy is not a spectator sport.” —Lotte E. Scharfman, Refugee from Hitler’s Germany, Member of the Massachusetts. League of Women Voters in the 1970s
Share with kids!
Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has launched an initiative to teach children about government: www.iCivics.org.
Here’s a Web site that educates about the law (established in 2004) to teach youngsters about the U.S. Constitution.
Share with all ages!
What is a Democrat?
What is a Republican?
What is a libertarian, small “l”? According to folks at the CATO Institute, “libertarianism is a philosophy of peace, freedom, toleration, and individual rights.”
As David Boaz wrote in his work titled Libertarianism: A Primer, “Libertarianism is the view that each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others.”
Those ideals have played an important role for all advocates of freedom throughout American history.
Libertarians have been fighting ignorance, superstition, privilege and power for centuries. Libertarians reject bigotry and advocate equal rights for every individual.
For more, visit www.cato.org
For more thoughts and weekly commentary about economics, visit Center for Business and Economic Research.
What is No Labels?
Political Parties in the U.S.
What is the Democrat Party?
What is the Republican Party?
What is the Libertarian Party?
What is the Green Party?
What is the Constitution Party?
The first three political parties listed here (The five listed seat the most candidates.) had candidates on the ballots in all 50 states in the United States Presidential Election of 2016. Candidates representing an array of other political parties of varying popularity were on some ballots in some states.
If you need to register to vote or update your voting address, please note websites or phone numbers for procedures and locations.
Important Information about DuPage and Will counties:
DuPage County Residents – 630-407-5600 www.dupagecounty.gov
Will County Residents – 815-740-4620 www.willcountyillinois.com
Residents who will be out of the area on Election Day can cast an absentee ballot by mail. College students or those who will be out of town for an extended period of time can call their County office to obtain an application for an absentee ballot. The County will then handle the entire voting process by mail.
Residents who will be in town early can take advantage of the State of Illinois’ newly launched Early Voting initiative. Registered voters with a valid drivers license or photo ID card can vote early at the following locations:
DuPage County Residents Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle, Naperville Hours: 8AM to 4:30PM Monday thru Friday / 9AM to noon Sunday DuPage County Election Commission, 421 N. County Farm Rd, Wheaton Hours: 8AM to 4:30PM Monday thru Friday / 8AM to Noon Saturday and Sunday Will County Residents Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle, Naperville Hours: Mon – Fri 8AM to 4:30PM Monday thru Friday / 9AM to Noon Saturday or Will County Clerk’s Office, 302 N Chicago Street, Joliet Hours: Mon – Fri 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday / 9AM to Noon SaturdayLOCAL STORIES & COMMENTARY
In the News / In Print & Online Daily Herald Naperville Sun / Chicago Tribune Positively Naperville / Latest News Hot Issues / Hot Topics / Submitted by local residents (Linked upon request) Naperville Smart Meter Awareness City Council Watch Dog League of Women VotersOTHER RESOURCES / SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT
(Linked upon request) STARRS Better Government Association (Illinois Fact-Checker) The American Thinker The Cato Institute CO2Coalition.org Foreign Affairs Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) Naperville Public Library Organization & Leaders / Local Government Patriot Post Huffington Post www.downsizinggovernment.org joinouramerica.org Stupid Frogs Thomas Sowell No Labels (Do What’s Best for America) The Dreyfuss Initiative Heritage Foundation Illinois Policy (Contact Elected State Officials)LOCAL MEDIA
Daily Herald Naperville Sun / Chicago Tribune Better Government Association (Illinois Fact-Checker) Positively Naperville / Latest NewsLOCAL BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, MEETINGS & HOW YOU CAN JOIN THEM
The Mayor and Naperville City Council extend an invitation to the residents of Naperville who’d like to serve one of the boards and commissions.
Naperville residents looking to get more involved in their community can volunteer to serve on one of the city’s more than 15 boards and commissions. Appointments are typically reserved for Naperville residents and are made by the Mayor with City Council approval based on experience and interest.
Interested residents can submit an application letter, a copy of their resume, and a completed application for consideration to:
Naperville Municipal Center, Mayor’s Office P.O. Box 3020 Naperville, Illinois, 60566. Residents can also complete an application on the city’s Web site at www.naperville.il.us. To learn more about the city’s different boards and commissions, please contact the Mayor’s Office at (630) 420-6018.
To serve on one of the following city boards and commissions contact the Naperville Mayor’s Office. Meeting times are subject to change. Note also that the following list is under reassessment and appointments at the moment. (June 9, 2023)
Advisory Commission on Persons with Disabilities
Board of Fire & Police Commissioners
Naperville Public Board of Library Trustees
Human Rights & Fair Housing Advisory Commission
Special Events Community Arts (SECA) Commission
Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)
Task Forces
Acceptable Community Task Force
Naperville Senior Task Force
Naperville Environmental Sustainability Task (NEST) Force
Lisle Township Democratic Organization
Naperville Township Democratic Organization
Naperville Township Republicans
Wheatland Township Republican Organization
Editor’s Note / Scroll down to the black field of this page for an index featuring other posts and categories you might like on this website.
Errors and dead links that need editing on this website are not intended. We regret errors. We aim to be as inclusive as possible. Some links deny access from other websites.
If a link to a public official’s website is disengaged, it’s because that individual has not checked this page to inform us of the need to update it. And that’s OK. Not everybody’s interested.
That said, this online page of information is presented with compliments of this web editor trying to urge the community to know its local government and elected officials with liberty and justice for all. Thanks for reading.
Click here for Government Guide previously posted June 2016 / New list of updates originally posted on June 9, 2023.
Most recent updates, Jan. 23, 2025.