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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Things to do around Naperville this weekend: April 14-16



Naperville offers nearly 300 dining choices every day / From Diehl Road north to 111th Street south, Dine Naperville features eateries to whet every appetite and suit every budget. 

Now that it’s springtime, keep cool with walks along the Riverwalk and venture into the heart of Naperville to discover what’s new. And thanks to everyone for tossing disposable cups and snack papers in trash containers. Help keep Naperville beautiful.

Spring Choral ‘Finale!’ Concert / 7PM at Wentz Concert Hall – 171 E. Chicago Ave., Naperville, IL 60540 / $3-5 / The final choral concert of the year, featuring the North Central Chorale, Concert Choir, and Chamber Singers and including a recognition of graduating seniors. Dr. Ramona M. Wis, Conductor, Mr. Bob Saul and Mr. Jon Warfel, Collaborative Pianists. finearts.northcentralcollege.edu.

Live Music at Quigley’s Irish Pub / 8:30PM at Quigley’s Irish Pub – 43 E. Jefferson Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 / Trés Moustache Trio to perform at 8:30PM. (Note also that at 7PM Thurs., April 13, Joe Cantafio returns with old-fashioned rock ‘n roll. And Quigley’s Irish Pub features live music Thursdays thru Saturdays.)

Looking for more things to do in the community today, tomorrow or next week? / Around the clock, 24-7, visit PN’s Community Events Calendar. Event planners also are welcome to post opportunities for Naperville enjoyment. When submitting, include accurate and the “most-complete” information pertaining to the event. Not all submissions will be published and are subject to verification. Please allow up to seven business days for events to be published and populate within this website. It’s best to use a desktop or laptop computer when submitting events. Thanks for reading.


Free Shredding Event / 8-11AM in the Centennial Beach Parking Lot – Centennial Beach – 500 W. Jackson Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 / It is estimated that more than 40 million people fall victim to identity theft each year. Reduce your risk by shredding sensitive documents and personal information. The Naperville Police Department, in partnership with the Naperville Park District, is sponsoring a free shred event. Note, there is a limit of two banker-size boxes or bags from each person. Boxes and bags should not weigh more than 15 lbs. No metal or plastic binder rings or clips. Staples and paperclips are OK. There is no need to get out of your vehicle as volunteers will unload your boxes. Shredding will take place on-site and will be available until the trucks are filled.

Go Fish! Discover the wonder and patience that come with angling from local fishing piers. Check out Whalon Lake located just off Royce Road in south Naperville where the forest preserve offers many activities such as fishing, kayaking, walking, biking and enjoying nature. Click here to a popular link of local fishing spots.

How do fish measure up at Whalon Lake?

American Legion Post 43 Monthly Social / 6PM to 9PM Sat., April 15, in the banquet hall at the Judd Kendall VFW Post, 908 W. Jackson. Honor Past Commanders and the 2023 Citizen of the Year. Dinner catered by Mission BBQ. RSVP by April 13. $15: adults; $7:  ages 7-14; free: ages 6 -0. For reservations, contact Kristen Jungles at (630) 816-6841 or via email at kristenjungles@kw.com.


Naperville Plays / 1-4PM at Naperville Settlement – 523 S. Webster St. Naperville, IL 60540 / Included in general admission / Celebrate spring at Naperville Plays! Join Naper Settlement, the Naperville Public Library, and the DuPage Children’s Museum for three times the spring fun. Pre-school aged children and their families will enjoy playing and learning at Naper Settlement and can visit select historic houses. All guests are welcome to stay at Naper Settlement for the duration of open hours from 1-4 PM. www.napersettlement.org.

Naperville Men’s Glee Club presents ‘It’s A Grand Night For Singing!’ / 3PM at Wentz Concert Hall – 171 E. Chicago Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 / $10-15 / The Naperville Men’s Glee Club presents our annual Spring concert, “It’s a Grand Night for Singing” on Sunday, April 16 at 3:00pm at Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E. Chicago Ave., Naperville, IL.  Under the direction of John Rakes, the Glee Club will sing a program ranging from Beethoven to Gershwin with music exploring grandeur, night, music of Broadway, and of course singing.  Do not be surprised if the audience is invited to sing as well!  The Thundertones, the acapella quartet of the Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club, will perform as featured musical guests.  For tickets visit ww.nmgc.org.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.