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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Update / 2023 Naperville VFW Benefit Plant Sale pick up is May 5


Above – Below / The Blue Star Memorial located alongside the Judd Kendall VFW always is among the beneficiaries of the VFW Annual Plant Sale. Organizers thank everyone who purchased plants that benefit this annual fundraiser.

Update, April 14, 2023 / A Note from Plant Sale Chairman Marcy Maughan…

VFW Plant Sale Chairman Marcy Maughan reports the plant sale was extremely successful this year.

“We are ordering $16,000 worth of plants from the grower. This is by far the largest order ever!  So come May 5 as we will need lots and lots of help all day long. The truck will arrive at 7AM and has to be unloaded. Then all those plants need to be separated into 127 individual orders. Both these jobs require a lot of manpower.

Volunteers welcome and needed on pick-up day, May 5, 2023!

“We desperately need more volunteers to help. We have developed a numbering system so that even if you can’t tell one flower from another, you can go by the numbers instead of the names. Please help us out and volunteer! We will also need wagons or garden carts to help us move these plants around. You can drop them off the day before if you like. Since the fish fries were cancelled, this plant sale helps to fill some holes in the VFW budget. Please volunteer!

“Thanks to all of you who ordered flowers, Maughan added. “Remember to pick up your order between 1PM and 6PM on Fri., May 5.”

Still need plants? Upcoming local plant & tree sales 

Local community gardeners host spring plant sale. (PN File Photo)

2023 City of Naperville Arbor Day Tree Sale Pick Up is April 22

Naperville’s annual Arbor Day Tree Sale is currently open online and has been extended to close at 5PM on Wed., April 19, or when all trees are sold, whichever comes first. Note, the sale was extended because some new inventory has been added.

A drive-thru tree pickup still will take place from 8AM to 1PM on Sat., April 22, at the Public Works Service Center, 180 Fort Hill Drive.

For the story featured on this website, click here.

2023 Morton Arboretum Arbor Day Plant Sale – April 27 thru April 29

Reserve tickets now for the Morton Arboretum Arbor Day Plant Sale set to take place from Thurs., April 27, through Sat., April 29. (Tickets for April 27 and April 28 have sold out.)

One of the largest seasonal plant sales in the Chicago region, the Arbor Day Plant Sale supports the Arboretum’s scientific research and conservation work locally, nationally, and globally. 

Select from an exceptional array of plants procured by the Arboretum’s experts and chosen specifically for the Midwestern climate. The Arbor Day Plant Sale will be held in the South Farm, offering a large, open indoor space for protection from inclement weather. 

Tickets to the Plant Sale are now open to the public. Tickets include timed-entry general admission to enter the Arboretum.

Regular Plant Sale tickets are $10 for members and $27 for guests with a two ticket limit per membership or guest, which includes general admission to the Arboretum for the day. Member children under age 18 are admitted free of charge but will need a ticket.

For more info, click here for Arbor Day Plant Sale FAQ. 

2023 McDonald Farm Annual Plant Sale runs May 12 and May 13

The McDonald Farm is bringing back its in-person sale this Mother’s Day weekend, with a wide selection of native perennials, grasses, McDonald Farm-grown organic vegetable and herb seedlings, organic compost, Mother’s Day gift options, and more.

The sale runs from 3 to 7PM Fri., May 12; and from 8:30AM to 1PM Sat., May 13.

Mother’s Day is Sun., May 14. For more information about the sale, plants and professional advice that will be available, visit The Conservation Foundation website.

McDonald Farm is located at 10S404 Knoch Knolls Road.

2023 Naperville VFW Benefit Plant Sale 

Originally Posted, Feb. 18, 2023 / Orders are now being accepted for the 22nd Annual Naperville VFW Benefit Plant Sale.

Volunteers make a difference every year at the annual VFW plant sale. (Photo courtesy VFW)
For information, click here (www.napervfw3873.org/index.php?id=101) to download an order form and see photos of all the beautiful annuals offered for sale for the 2023 planting season. 

A colorful variety of flowers, specialty grasses, herbs, vegetables, and accessory plants are available in different sizes of hanging baskets, flats, and pots. All proceeds support the mission of the VFW. (What We Do: www.napervfw3873.org/index.php?id=131)

Order by Saturday, April 1, 2023

Orders are due by Saturday, April 1, 2023, and can be dropped off or mailed with a check (payable to the VFW) to VFW Plant Sale, 908 W. Jackson Avenue, Naperville, IL 60540. 

Volunteers welcome to assist plant pickup / 1-6PM Friday, May 5

Plant pickup will be 1-6PM Friday, May 5, 2023, at the Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873, located at 908 W. Jackson Avenue. Plants must be picked up by 6PM.

For more information or to volunteer, contact the Plant Sale Chairperson, Marcy Maughan via cell phone at (630) 251-3503 or email marcymaughan@astound.net

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