Let’s start 2023 with our 27 sales tips from A to Z!
Accountability ~ Measure you results against plan.
3 B’s of selling ~ Be Bright; Be Brief; & Be Gone.
Closing ~ Use trial closing questions throughout the sales process
Distractions ~ A recent study concluded we waste at least 1.5 hours a day. With a little discipline, distractions can be managed.
Enthusiasm sells ~ It convinces a prospect you love what you do.
Follow up can turn a no into a yes.
Goals need to be written down or they are just dreams.
High Payoff Activities ~ Two ways to grow the business: 1) Obtain new accounts; and, 2) Get current accounts to buy more stuff.
Humor ~ Did you hear the one about… Tell a joke once in a while.
I ~ There is no “I” in Team. Together Everyone Achieves More.
Jesus ~ Hope is not a good sales strategy; but it is good to be hopeful.
KISS ~ Keep It Simple, Silly
Listen ~ The best sales specialists ask quality questions and listen. They listen with both ears; it’s no coincidence God made us with two ears and only one mouth.
Motivation ~ Spread the good news in the company newsletter and the local newspapers. Show pride in, and support for, your people. Nice job!
Networking is not easy. That’s why ‘work’ is part of the word. Spend 90% of your networking time with people you haven’t met.
Objections ~ Write down the three objections you anticipate even before you meet your customer. Your responses will be professional and create a positive mindset. Since objections are buying signals, you are just a few questions away from closing the sale. Good Luck!
Presentation ~ Another High Payoff Activity. Your presentation must be so compelling, the buyer is jumping out of her seat to start working with you.
QR Code ~ These codes are cool. Include your contact info.
Referrals ~ The best way to get referrals is to give them.
Sales Process ~ If your sales are undercooked, it may be you are missing one of the six steps in the sales process.
Thank You! ~ People like to feel appreciated.
Unique ~ Customers are looking for innovative and creative ways to exceed their goals.
Value ~ Providing value even before you close the sale sets you apart.
Workshops ~ Focus on the things you do best and continue to get better.
X ~ Make one extra phone call before you close down your computer.
YouTube ~ Do you have a video describing your product or service.
ZZZZZZ ~ Are you getting enough rest. Take care of number one and Heat Up Your Sales!