Above / Find a stack of Kroehler YMCA keepsakes at a location near you. (PN Photo)
“Don’t forget about the opportunity to purchase a Kroehler YMCA commemorative brick!” noted Erika Wood in a recent column for Positively Naperville. “Not only will you own a piece of Naperville history, but you’ll also be supporting the Y’s future ability to provide programs and services to the Naperville community.”
That message is prominently on display in the lobby of Naperville Bank & Trust located on Washington Street at Benton Avenue in downtown Naperville, across the street from the former site of the Kroehler YMCA.

During the recent Mayor’s Interfaith Community Breakfast at the Fry Family Y on 95th Street, Naperville Bank & Trust President Tom Miers, who serves on the Y Metro Board of Managers as well as the Naperville YMCA Board, presented one of the commemorative bricks to longtime friend and guest keynote speaker Tom Beerntsen. While serving as CEO of the Heritage YMCA Group more than a decade ago, Beerntsen’s office was on the southwest corner of the third floor of the Kroehler Y. The “Kroehler Brick” was the perfect keepsake for the inspirational speaker who had had an office in the building that was razed earlier this year.

Long story and a multitude of memories short, the impact of the Kroehler YMCA throughout the community will long be remembered. A commemorative brick just might be the perfect gift for the holidays, especially for the individual who appreciates gifts with a purpose.
Every brick costs $112 to stand for the length of time Kroehler YMCA stood at 34 S. Washington Street. Every purchase also includes an invitation to the 2023 celebration planned sometime next year. The fundraiser benefits the kids and families served by the Fry Family YMCA as well as the Safe ‘N Sound before and afterschool programs.
Commemorative “Kroehler YMCA” bricks are available at Casey’s Foods, 124 W. Gartner Road in Naperville Plaza; Fry Family YMCA, 2120 W. 95th Street; and Naperville Bank & Trust, 5 S. Washington Street.
For more information, call Fry Family YMCA at (630) 904-9595.