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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Nutrition Knowledge – Happy gut, happy holidays


If we have incorporated some of healthy gut principles we have explored this year into our daily routine, we don’t have to let everything slide during the holidays. Follow these simple steps to keep on track with a healthy, happy gut:

  1. Pre- and probiotic foods – incorporate these into our daily meals so that our good bacteria is well fed before we indulge.
  2. High fiber foods – how about baked apples with cinnamon or lentil soup on the holiday menu?
  3. Fermented foods – include pickled veggies on an antipasto tray.
  4. Cruciferous veggies – a veggie tray staple.
  5. Hydrate before you “libate” – it is essential that we stay hydrated: drink a glass of water for every libation (alcoholic drink) consumed.
  6. Keep stress at bay – try focusing on the real reason for the holidays and put more emphasis on experiences with family and friends.
  7. Exercise our way through the holidays – remember a brisk walk 3 days a week, even if we have to bundle up, has huge benefits for our gut, and that walk can be at a mall before we do our shopping!
  8. Sun exposure – easier said than done this time of year, but if we do get an uncharacteristic warm day, take full advantage. If not, supplement with Vitamin D during the winter.
  9. Keep sugar to a minimum – when pies and cookies abound, filling up on high fiber items during a meal means we will consume fewer sweets. Enjoy grandma’s famous toffee bars, but maybe just one, right after a meal, not on an empty stomach.

These principles are essential to our gut health, and therefore our overall health. By making these a part of our daily life, we won’t waiver greatly over the holidays, because we know just how good we feel.

May each of you have a Joyous Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

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Patty Minta, RD, LDN
Patty Minta, RD, LDNhttps://nourishednestedandblessed.com/
Patty Minta is a Registered & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist. Visit her website for links, nutrition info and tips at www.nourishednestedandblessed.com.