69.3 F
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Focus on Safety – Caution: slippery when wet


The weather in Illinois can be unpredictable. Mother Nature always has some tricks up her sleeve and roadway conditions can change in an instant. As part of our December Safer Naper campaign we want remind you and your family to drive safely in the challenging conditions that come with this wintery season.

Drive slowly: Everything takes longer in inclement weather and snow-covered roads. Accelerating, stopping, turning; nothing happens as quickly as on dry pavement. Give yourself time to maneuver by driving slowly. Increase your following distance enough so there is plenty of time to stop for vehicles ahead of you. Be careful of other drivers’ inability to stop.

Black Ice: Roads that seem dry may be slippery and dangerous. Take it slow when approaching intersections, bridges, and off-ramps. Fresh snow also may cover a sheet of ice beneath it.

Visibility: Make sure you can clearly see out of all windows of your vehicle before you start moving and not just a small, cleared section. Check your windshield washer fluid levels and make sure your windshield wipers are in proper condition. Remember to slow down and not to overdrive your headlights (which is when the distance it would take for you to stop your vehicle is farther than you can currently see).

Plan ahead with a safety kit with winter driving essentials such as an ice scraper, sand or kitty litter, jumper cables, flares, emergency phone charger, warm clothing or blankets. It goes without saying to have as full of a tank of gas as possible and a fully-charged cell phone.

Many services also offer roadside assistance. You might be eligible for or have this service and not even know it as part of a credit card offer, vehicle manufacture warranty, auto insurance, new tires or club membership. Check now before an emergency.

Remember, no matter where you are, if you have an emergency or need immediate police assistance call 9-1-1.

For more information on holiday safety including celebrating safety and mental health self-care, visit naperville.il.us/asafernaper.

Until next month… Stay Safe and Stay Aware.

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Julie Smith
Julie Smith
Julie Smith is Crime Prevention Specialist at the Naperville Police Department. Contact her at SmithJu@naperville.il.us or (630) 305-5450.


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