DuPage County Report
The DuPage County Stormwater Management Planning Committee voted Tuesday to approve recipients of its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) municipal grant program. The Committee selected 26 selected projects that will improve flood control and water quality countywide.
“Unlike previous pandemic funding, ARPA has more allowable uses, including stormwater management, which we took advantage of here at the County,” said DuPage County Stormwater Management Committee Chairman Jim Zay. “As a result, we developed a grant program using ARPA dollars to partner with local communities for the construction of vital capital flood control and water quality projects countywide.”
The grant awards a 50/50 costs share, up to $500,000, to for shovel-ready projects that demonstrate flood protection and resilience measures. During the grant period, DuPage County received 31 applications from 18 municipalities for projects totaling nearly $50 million. Although only open to municipal governments, the projects benefited residents, businesses, park districts, school districts and more.
The Stormwater Committee awarded more than $8 million to 26 eligible projects. In total, DuPage County was allotted nearly $180 million through federal ARPA funding, which is being used by County departments and entities countywide for applicable projects and initiatives.
The City of Naperville in District 5 was awarded three grants totaling $1,238,000.
Funds will benefit the South Central Interceptor Sewer Stabilization Project (Construction Cost Estimate: $1,814,700) Requested DuPage Share, $500,000; 8th-Ellsworth-Main Stormwater Improvements (Construction Cost Estimate, $4,515,317) Requested DuPage Share, $238,000; and Columbia Street Flood Improvement Project (Construction Cost Estimate, $2,224,000) Requested DuPage Share, $500,000.
“This was an extremely popular and competitive grant program, but we awarded as much funding as possible with countywide distribution,” added Zay. “This funding will benefit communities for years to come.”
To view a complete list of grant recipients, visit www.dupageco.org/swm/arpagrant.