Once upon a time. It was the very first time… Does anybody really know what time it is?
It’s about time. Daylight saving time. It was her time. It takes time. He needs time. Good things take time. Make time. One day at a time.
Springtime. Game time. Movie time. Part time. Nighttime. Bath time. Crunch time. On time. Double time. Prime time.
Just in time. Ahead of her time. All the time in the world.
When is the perfect time to call a prospect? The perfect time is now.
How many times have we heard, “Time is money?” There are 168 hours in a week. We cannot buy any more hours. We must ensure each hour provides maximum productivity.
It is already April 2022. First Quarter is over. What have you accomplished? Are you happy with your sales results? Are you having a good time?
Do you let rainy days and Mondays get you down? Remember, Mondays are 20% of our work time. Mondays provide the foundation for another great selling week.
Ways to manage your time include:
Start early: Wake up. Get out of bed. Get a cup of coffee and attack the day.
Selling hours: Organize your time around the hours when you should be talking with suspects, prospects, and customers.
Work late: Be the last one to happy hour. Your customers are working late. Your competitors’ customers are working overtime.
Maintain discipline: Stay focused on completing high payoff activities during selling hours. This is not the time to mow the lawn or clean the pool. Unless you get paid to manage social media, do not spend time on Twitter, Instagram and videos of cats.
One more call: When it is time to call it a day, make one more call. An extra call a day is 250 more calls a year. Your competitor is at happy hour; call their customer.
Measure your results: How many sales needed to reach revenue goal? How many calls to make one presentation? How many presentations to make one sale? We measure results so we can manage our activity.
Procrastination is the thief of time. Ask yourself, “Self? Is what I’m doing right now the most important use of my time?” Well is it? Remember to always stay on task and Heat Up Your Sales!
~ Time well spent. Pick up the phone. Schedule some time with a future customer.