What slams us in life, hits us hardest. What makes life difficult is our inability to face problems without losing a good attitude.
I can be an angry person who too often blames others coldly, and, silly of me, bringing them into my darker moods. Giving the life around me a negative looming cloud. While I’m busy blocking the sun, more than not, my mom is gathering sunshine to make it better in my life. When I’ve witnessed others holding their mouths in tight frowns and hanging their heads, it mainly opened my eyes to how differently people deal with problems.
I am fascinated by how the same family holds different attitudes about hope and stress. When doing work with very big, almost overwhelming issues at stake, somehow bringing a better attitude makes the problems smaller.
When we hold less negative thoughts in our minds, it stands as a barrier to more stressful moments. How can we bring lighter thoughts into our minds as we encounter the tough days? I am learning that life is hard, harder than we sometimes imagine and no one escapes tough times. Joining our challenges with less mad and more mind over matter, and celebrating the accomplishments no matter how small, helps heal the heartaches and hardships and as the old saying goes:
Makes the lemons into lemonade.