Above / First organized as the Run for Reading by morning, then the G.L.O.W. 5K by evening, the fun run/walk welcomes all ages to participate to raise funds for literacy. Spectators welcome! (PN File Photo 2018)
Update, May 21, 2022 / Race organizers say the G.L.O.W. 5K is rain or shine.
“Yes, as long as there are not dangerous storms or lighting we are a go. Any changes will be posted to the website, www.naperglow5k.com.” emailed Tracey Nelson. “Thank you!”
Original Post, Feb. 23, 2022 / Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy again will host Naperville’s only evening run when the G.L.O.W 5K returns to begin at 7PM on Sat., May 21, 2022, at 5th Avenue Station.
The 5K run/walk supports the community’s commitment to literacy, fitness and family, organizers said. Advance registration is strongly encouraged for this popular event at www.naperglow5k.com. At the end of the race, participants and spectators are invited to stay for the post-5K party including awards, refreshments and live music.

Grants have benefited local initiatives since 1996
All proceeds go directly to the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy to acquire and distribute resources that provide enriched literacy opportunities for the learners within the Naperville Community.
Since 1996, the fund has awarded over $500,000 in grants to private and public schools in Naperville Districts 203 and 204, which includes portions of Bolingbrook, Lisle, Plainfield and Aurora. Grants also have supported programs for Little Friends, Turning Pointe Autism Foundation and Project H.E.L.P.
Additionally, the fund provides annual support to the Jeanine Nicarico DuPage County Children Advocacy Center in Wheaton, IL.
“The event will be held in the evening and have a glow theme,” noted Kathy Brown, with a reminder to save the date. “So grab your friends and come out glowing for a fun 5K run/walk. Or just come out to enjoy the event by cheering folks on.”
Live music will play from a local band, The Commoners.

Chip-Timed, 5K run begins at 5th Avenue Station on May 21
This Chip-timed, 5K-course route takes participants on a scenic run through one of Naperville’s established neighborhoods. The race begins at 5th Avenue Station, winds down Plank Road, with a flat stretch, ending up back at The 5th Ave Station building for a celebration tent with food, refreshments, live music and awards from local businesses. Water and encouragement will be provided along the course.

Registration details
Update, May 20, 2022 / All participants must be PRE-REGISTURED. Pre-register at Naperville Running Company opened until 8PM Fri., May 20, 2022.
Original Post, Feb. 23, 2022 / Registration is available online at www.naperglow5k.com or www.nicaricoliteracyfund.org. The pre-registered general entry fee is $40 per person for adults and children 12 and under $30.
Registration entry fee after May 2, 2022, is $45 per person for adults and children 12 and under $35. All pre-registered participants will receive an official G.L.O.W 5K Run technical running t-shirt, runner/walker number, one food ticket and one adult beverage ticket, and a virtual goodie bag with coupons from sponsors.
More information and complete event details are available by visiting the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy Website at www.nicaricoliteracyfund.org.
Race Director Tracey Nelson is back, too, with a reminder that the G.L.O.W. 5K is fun for spectators, too.
“Walk, run or be a spectator, but come…to the 20th Annual 5K in support of the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy,” said Nelson. “And give literacy an opportunity to win!”