Municipal governing and taxing bodies welcome your input. All meetings of local government bodies are open to the public and provide time for public comment. For details about current “remote” meetings, check appropriate website.
Naperville City Council
Naperville City Council meets at 7PM on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Naperville Municipal Center Council Chambers, 400 S. Eagle St.
Council meetings and workshops are televised live on the city’s cable channel and saved in the city’s online archive for replay on demand.
For a list of meeting dates for the City’s Boards and Commissions, visit
For instance, the Naperville Public Library Board of Trustees meets at 7PM on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held in the Board Room of Nichols Library, 200 W. Jefferson Ave.
For more info,
Naperville Park District
Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners meetings are scheduled for 7PM Thurs., Jan. 6; and 6:30PM Thurs., Jan. 20, at Fort Hill Activity Center, located at 20 Fort Hill Drive. Note! NPD Board meetings have been shifted during January from the second and fourth Thursdays to the first and third Thursdays. For more info, visit
School District 203
The Board of Education for School District 203 holds business meetings at 7PM on the third Monday or Tuesday of the month. The next BOE meeting is Tues., Jan. 18, 2022. Meetings are held in person at Washington Junior High School, 201 N. Washington Street, Naperville, IL 60540. Here is a link for BOE info: For more info and possible schedule changes, visit (Update Jan. 10, 2022 / Note: This post previously included incorrect meeting location. We appreciate the correction and regret the error.)
School District 204
School District 204 Regular Board Meetings are scheduled for 7PM Mon., Jan 10, and 7PM Mon., Jan. 24, at the Crouse Education Center, 780 Shoreline Dr., Aurora, IL 60504. Board Meetings are streamed live at and archived on YouTube.
For more info, visit
Note, times and venues are subject to change.
Thanks for paying attention to local taxing bodies where your opinion matters most right here in your hometown and for attending workshops to provide feedback. Dates subject to change during the pandemic.
Thanks to all who serve.