Above / At May Watts Elementary School in the West Wind subdivision, Nov. 11 is a banner day to honor all who served.
Update, 11PM Nov. 11, 2021 / Photographer Jim Hoch emailed, “The photos I took at today’s activities have been uploaded. Click here for Veterans Day 2021.
Update, Noon Nov. 11, 2021 / Whatever the year and no matter the weather, Veterans Day always is commemorated at 11AM on Nov. 11. Despite early rainfall and drizzle in Naperville, dozens of residents gathered at Veterans Park to pay tribute where local Veterans stood with present and past Commanders of American Legion Post 43 and Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 to represent 19 million U.S. Veterans.

Update, Nov. 11, 2020 / Dozens of spectators in masks, following social distancing and a habit since 1989 when Veterans Park was dedicated, showed up on Veterans Day to honor military men and women for their service during a very brief ceremony at 11AM Nov. 11. The annual tribute for the public had been canceled on Monday.
“All I was sure of for today was that Iris and I would be at Veterans Park,” said Naperville resident Wayne Fischer, 2020 Senior Vice Commander of the Department of Illinois, American Legion.
“We all enjoy our lives because of those (Veterans) who have served to protect our freedoms,” said Fischer after the ceremony, noting a wreath had been placed in Veterans Park and three other wreaths would be placed at Century Walk sculptures that recognize Veterans. “The Riders did lay the three wreaths and will do it in the future.”

Original Post, Nov. 11, 2020 / Wherever you stand, pause, reflect and be grateful at 11AM Wed., Nov. 11, on Veterans Day. Consider all women and men who have served honorably in the name of independence and cherished freedom throughout the history of this enduring nation, imperfections and all.
In the United States, Veterans Day is observed at “11-11-11” in commemoration of the Armistice that ended World War I in 1918. In 1954, the day was renamed from Armistice Day and given the added significance of honoring Veterans.
Simply put, a military Veteran is any individual who served in uniform for any length of time in any military service branch, taking an oath to defend the Constitution. Yet, individuals who know Veterans—family, friends, neighbors, volunteers—learn to appreciate their selfless commitment and sacrifice to serve, mindful that these traits are kept close to their hearts so everyone can pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Official Naperville Veterans Day tributes canceled for 2020
Judd Kendall VFW Commander Tom Parker announced earlier that after much deliberation, local tributes planned for Nov. 11, 2020, have been canceled.
“The Commander of the American Legion and I have decided to cancel both our Veterans Day ceremony at Veterans Park and the Veterans Day dinner at the Post on Wednesday, November 11,” emailed Parker. “The State has indicated that even stricter mitigation measures will go into place for our area beginning at 12:01AM Wednesday morning. Those measures restrict the number of people allowed in group gatherings (both inside and outside) to no more than 10 individuals. We have decided to play things safe for both organizations rather than proceed with our original plans.”

Naperville is blessed to show its patriotism every day with sculptures in honor of soldiers and sailors in Burlington Square Park, Freedom Shrines and other commemorative messages along the Riverwalk and at the Judd Kendall VFW; as well as tributes in Central Park, Fredenhagen Park and Veterans Park.

Find Veterans Park at 303 E. Gartner Road

From clear skies on Veterans Day to evenings of twinkling bright lights throughout downtown Naperville during the holiday season, share an attitude of gratitude for this city’s community spirit. Thanks to all.
Last Update / Nov. 12, 2021