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Naperville Art League members honor Frida Kahlo with gallery exhibit


Above / “Viva la Vida, an homage to Frida,” an exhibit hosted by the Naperville Art League, features “Frida’s Room” by Paula Shuck. The original art is on display at the Naperville Fine Art Center & Gallery.

“Viva la Vida, an homage to Frida” is the theme of the gallery show on display at the Naperville Fine Art Center & Gallery, 508 N. Center St. in Naperville through July 24.

The Naperville Fine Art Center and Gallery is located at the corner of 508 N. Center Street and Fifth Avenue, just steps from the Naperville Train Station.

Original works by Naperville Art League members honor the artist, Frida Kahlo. The NAL art is available for sale along with many unique gift shop items.

Gallery hours are 10AM to 5PM Tuesday through Friday 10AM to 4PM on Saturday.

Admission is free, and open to the public. Naperville Art League is a 501c3 nonprofit. For more information, visit www.napervilleartleague.com.

‘Frida Kahlo: Timeless’ now showing through Sept. 6, 2021, at COD

The NAL show is in recognition of the much-publicized Frida Kahlo: Timeless exhibit, currently featured at the Cleve Carney Museum of Art and the McAninch Arts Center at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. The exhibit runs June 5 through September 6, 2021. 

For information and to secure tickets, go to theccma.org/frida-kahlo

The Cleve Carney Museum of Art and the McAninch Arts Center are located at 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137.

Brief Bio / Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), considered one of the most significant artists of the 20th Century, was a self-taught, internationally-recognized Mexican painter known for her many portraits and self-portraits as well as works inspired by nature, the artifacts of Mexico, and the country’s culture.

Kahlo was a feminist, a fashion icon, a political activist, and subject of the movie starring Selma Hayek titled “Frida.” Her life was fraught with tragedy and pain as she endured polio, a near-deadly bus accident which caused her lifelong pain, multiple serious surgeries, and a bitter death.

Her husband was well-known artist Diego Rivera. She often chose flamboyant clothes with lots of pattern and color, favoring traditional Mexican indigenous dress. She was a trailblazer in many aspects.

According to Frida, A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera, eight days before her death, Kahlo finished her last painting by adding her final salute to life, Viva la Vida, which means “Live the Life” or “Hurray for Life.”  

Story and image submitted by Linda VanderKolk for the Naperville Fine Art Center & Gallery.

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