Above / Families of geese and ducks are growing along the Riverwalk and throughout local parks. Just don’t get too close to geese. They hiss and are known to chase aggressively. Simply visit local parks to watch wild animals that live among us without feeding them. Let wildlife be wild.

We always will remember our first glimpse of downtown Naperville (New Year’s Day 1993) from the parking lot at Main and Jackson along the Riverwalk. During that late afternoon visit that kicked off a week of working with a Realtor to find a new home, all the twinkling white lights from the Grand Illumination brightened the landscape, shedding light on the remarkable can-do spirit in the community where our family of five would move two months later.
Since March 1993, treks along the Riverwalk have been at least once weekly, many weeks more. Simple multiplication comes to more than 1,500 walks.
Every walk has been a reminder that we care about this community—just like you and most of the folks who enjoy experiencing the many amenities that attract residents here. We aim to bring that perspective to our news, photos and captions that focus on bringing rich culture to life.
Downtown Naperville, the Riverwalk, North Central College, Naper Settlement, the DuPage Children’s Museum, Central Park and this entire community of destinations from the 1-88 Corridor all the way south beyond Knoch Knolls Park attract residents and visitors to shop, dine, work, relax and entertain.

It’s no secret, we’ll thrilled that places are closer to reopening again with news spreading that masks no longer will be required indoors or outdoors if you’re vaccinated. Masks have done little to prevent any of the COVID-19 when folks are outside, according to many infectious disease experts.
Thanks more than ever to everyone for patience while shopping and dining.
We’re looking forward to the return of the vibrancy, events and volunteerism that attracted us here in the first place. Be safe. Be prudent. Be healthy. Help reclaim pre-pandemic life.
What follows is about a 7-minute read. Timing just depends how long you focus on the photos or click on links for more information. Thanks for reading.
Discover what’s new for 2021

Main Street leads to the heart of downtown Naperville where Century Walk sculptures, murals and other outdoor art bring local history to life around every corner. Note the new speed bumps along Main Street and Jackson Avenue. Drive the speed limit of 25 mph or less. Watch out for pedestrians.

Many business owners and workers we know are eager to return to the jobs they enjoy to serve the community, step by step. Thanks to everybody who returns to work. Thanks also to all who aim to help fill “help wanted” job offers here and there.
Local business owners tell us they’re looking forward to special events— traditional events expected to return to their in-person live timeslots that display can-do spirit in support of the needs of nonprofits as well as the local economy.
Nonetheless, folks have been forwarding updates, changes, postponements and some cancellations. We’ll attempt to keep up-to-date and informed one month at a time.
For now, we’re closer to full reopening. Illinois is currently on target to hit Phase 5 on June 11, 2021, set for normal business operations, free of pandemic-related mitigations. Barring any significant changes in COVID-19 metrics within the state, Naperville is set for smooth sailing into summer without masks.
Sailing into Summer with sales and other surprises
Watch for 14 summer sculptures expected to drift into downtown Naperville on Fri., May 28.
Plan now to drop anchor for the Downtown Naperville Wine Walk on June 13, mixed with great shopping and dining all day. And save the dates to sail into town for Sizzling Summer Sidewalk Sale Days, July 8-10.

Remember to support your local business community first
We admit, it’s difficult for this family-owned independent media outlet to keep up with so many changes and requests. Plus, sorting out the bogus offers mixed with legitimate news creates a challenge. We aim to earn our readers’ trust by presenting factual info and best practices. We aim to get back on the beat, mindful of the joys of freedom and the best practices to follow.
Beware of opportunists, mischief and shenanigans featured on social media.
Have you been fully vaccinated? Get smiles ready!
Ditching mask-wearing indoors and outside appears mostly OK…
On Thurs., May 13, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eased indoor mask-wearing guidelines for fully-vaccinated individuals, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside most places.
The new guidance continues to call for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings such as buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters. Everyone is hopeful the new guidance will be clarified, clearing the way for reopening workplaces, schools, and other venues—even removing the need for social distancing for individuals who are fully vaccinated.
Plus, the CDC has recognized that outside transmission always has been rare. No masks are necessary outside.
This week also has witnessed the lowest number of hospitalizations since April 2020. Great news all around.
Let us repeat to avoid confusion, if possible. Illinois is currently on target to hit Phase 5 on June 11, 2021, set for normal business operations, free of pandemic-related mitigations.
Again, CDC says fully-vaccinated individuals can pitch masks indoors and outdoors. Stay tuned for local advisories and choices.
Pay attention to business & local government
Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce will host the annual Mayor’s State of the City Address from 11:15AM to 12:30PM Mon., May 17. Mayor Steve Chirico will provide a recap of this pandemic year of events with a look forward. Planned virtually or via a Watch Party, this annual address by the Naperville Mayor is brought to the community by the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce. For more details, click here.
Embargoed until 12:30PM Mon., May 17, the Mayor’s address now is posted on this website.
Public meetings on the agenda… Be mindful that local school boards of education (D203 Tues., May 18 / D204 Mon., May 17) as well as the Naperville City Council (May 18, 2021), Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners continue to meet, now mostly in person. The Naperville Planning & Zoning Commission is set to meet Thurs., May 20, 2021. Watch local government in progress, considering new developments, more important for public input than ever this next week, right here in your hometown. Pay attention.
Take a moment on May 15 to observe Peace Officers Memorial Day
Click here to Julie Smith’s story featuring “Two Words,” a column that appeared in Feb. 2015. We are grateful to all for their service and their sacrifice.
Moving right along toward summer…

- The annual Memorial Day Parade and Observances in Central Park that usually accompany the day to pay tribute to all who have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect our nation have been shortened for 2021. The abbreviated march will begin at the VFW at 9AM, accompanied by the Naperville Municipal Band along Jackson Avenue. The special ceremony will be occur near the Dandelion Fountain located at Jackson and Webster Street, followed by visits to local cemeteries and monuments. For up-to-date details, visit www.napervillememorialdayparade.com. At noon, the annual Memorial Day Observance with music, short speeches, and wreath-laying will begin in Central Park.
- Naperville Municipal Band Summer Concerts in June, July and August. Leaders of the Naperville Municipal Band have announced its 11-week Summer Concert Season in Naperville’s Central Park will begin at 7:30PM on Thurs., June 10. Save the dates. Plan to join your favorite band fans in the audience when upbeat and memorable music begin as the big stage door goes up. Stay tuned for details about opening night and local protocols. As Conductor Ron Keller says, “Music is for life!”
- Naperville Art League is currently presenting “Estuary,” an exhibit of original art by 50 artists, with artwork now on sale at the Naperville Fine Art Center & Gallery, 508 N. Center Street.
The art on display through May 22 would be perfect for summer cabins or home décor, according to Patricia Melekus, NAL’s director of exhibits.
The show’s award winners include Naperville artists Cynthia Boudreau for “Freedom to the Sea,” and Robert Koch for “Where Lake MI & Green Bay Meet.”
Naperville Fine Art Center & Gallery hours are 9AM to 5PM Tues. to Fri. and 9AM to 5PM Sat. For more info, visit www.napervilleartleague.com or call (630) 355-2530.
- The Naperville Woman’s Club again will host its long-running Annual Naperville Fine Art and Artisans Fair at Naper Settlement, set to return 10AM to 5PM June 26 and June 27, 2021.
The Riverwalk Foundation Annual Duck Race in August will take a break for the second year in a row. Waddle the group do in its place? Since the Riverwalk’s 40th birthday is Labor Day Weekend, a rededication ceremony will be held on Mon., Sept. 6, 2021, after the Jaycees Labor Day Parade. It’ll be brief, just long enough to mark a moment a history. Watch for details, likely to include “Cake and Ice Cream 40th Birthday” coupons, good for ice cream or cake at one of downtown Naperville’s treat shops.

Already Foundation members have been up at the quack of dawn in search of the next duck tale. Meanwhile, never feed crackers to quackers. Feeding crackers, bread and other human snacks can be deleterious to wildlife—ducks and geese are wildlife. Among the educational missions of the Riverwalk Foundation are to remind folks to let wildlife be wild. Let wildlife find food in nature.
But first… Continue to take precautions for good health all the time. Wash your hands often. Cover coughs and sneeze into your elbow. Be a good example for young ones who might be watching. Help them feel safe. Eat nourishing food. Drink plenty of liquids.
Wash your hands often, but don’t wash away common sense.
Remember, whatever the circumstance, fresh air and sunshine are good for everybody. On May 13, the CDC announced that individuals who are vaccinated do not require face masks inside public places or outside. Be safe. Follow what’s best for you.
Don’t be a Litter Bug!
Remember “Keep America Beautiful” campaigns? Times when folks helped to end littering, developed recycling plans and took pride to keep the landscape pretty? During the past year as folks have been staying home, trash including facemasks has begun to grow along the parkways.
Thanks to everyone who keeps a trash bag inside the car. That way, used items can be saved for the trash instead of tossed out the car window.
A plastic shopping bag also could come in handy to pick up and collect trash whenever taking a walk. Simply use a plastic bag to pick up stuff the way folks clean up after their dogs.
Keeping our neighborhoods neat and free from throw-away wrappers, cans, bottles, facemasks and other items tossed toward the curb will help keep Naperville beautiful. Here’s hoping…
Note our shout outs…
Dean’s Fine Clothing for men and women is located at 226 S. Main Street at Jackson Ave. Meanwhile shop small and independent with the purchase of a Dean’s gift card for future use at the family-owned shop that’s been around since 1959. And check out what’s new online for graduates, then Father’s Day, then any old day at www.deansclothing.com.
Shop local and small! Keep in mind every day that small businesses are the driving force of our economy. They employ your/our friends and neighbors.
Thanks! Thanks for supporting all local businesses whenever possible. Many offer online service and sales, too, as well as curbside pickup. Plus, many will deliver “no hands touched” to your door if that’s your call.
Kreger’s Brat & Sausage Haus, 605 N. Ellsworth St. Just give them a call for spring hours and a list of the specials at (630) 355-4418.
Check out members of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce at www.naperville.net.
Check out the Downtown Naperville Alliance (DNA) of businesses.
Again, thanks for becoming acquainted with your local business community situated at destinations all over town and often connected online.
Visit yesterday today!
Check out PN’s website via old photos & prior events
A handy “search” tool at www.positivelynaperville.com (upper right corner) leads to photo galleries of previous parades, concerts and other annual events as well as many hyper local hyperlinks that depict Naperville, a hometown for nearly 150,000 residents that abounds with generous faith, hope and charity.
Now… Things to do in May, closer to reopening!
- Remember teachers and graduates! Give a gift card for future shopping, dining or entertaining.
- Always prepare in advance to dig safely. If planning to plant gardens or build a new patio or put up a fence, be sure to call JULIE before you dig at 8-1-1.
- DuPage Children’s Museum is reopening via reservations with lots things to do for families with young children, too.
- Write down your thoughts. Start a journal. Naper Settlement encourages folks, all ages, to keep a journal of experiences. Compare notes. Read. Tell jokes. Make up riddles.
- Plan together and create an itinerary of “Things to Do” in the great outdoors.
- KidsMatter Events. More than ever, mental health education to address the uncharted challenges is so important. For information about KidsMatter, its programs and services, visit www.kidsmatter2us.org.
- Naperville Curbside Brush Pick-up continues Mon., May 17, for residents with trash collection on Tuesdays. Be sure to place your brush correctly along the curb.

Here and there…
Thank you, to all who serve with Dine Naperville! Consider supporting your favorite eatery sometime every week with patience and good will. Visit www.dinenaperville.com for ready to serve to-go orders via Dine Naperville. Thanks for tipping, too.
Quigley’s Irish Pub! Located at 43 E. Jefferson, Quigley’s spaces inside and outside on the spacious patio are now open daily. Be prepared for bright changes when EDAQ (Every Day at Quigley’s) regulars return without masks. Sláinte! Some protocols may apply. Need an order to go? Thanks for calling (630) 428-4774.

RED T-Shirt Fundraiser for Gold Star Family Memorial! RED stands for “Remember Everyone Deployed,” created to show solidarity and support for our deployed service members and Veterans. Wear RED every Friday to show support for our troops. Meanwhile, also show support for the Naperville Gold Star Family Memorial fundraising effort.
Each RED shirt (V-neck or regular t-shirt) costs $20. Simply fill out the form and mail with a check to: American Legion Riders, PO Box 4, Naperville IL 60566. To order your shirt, for a printable PDF form, CLICK HERE for the printable PDF form. To order shirts in person, visit the porch from 1-3PM on Sun., May 30, 908 W. Jackson. Other dates are planned in June.
Note that photographer Jim Hoch plans to take a group photo of folks wearing RED shirts at 10AM on Sat., July 3, also in the VFW parking lot of the Judd Kendall VFW, just in time for Independence Day Fireworks.
Memorial Day, Mon., May 31, is a time to pay tribute to all individuals and their families for giving the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military to protect the freedoms of the United States of America. Fly flags at half staff until noon on Memorial Day. At 3PM local time, no matter where you stand, pause for a moment of silence with the entire nation, recognizing sacrifices of all military and their families to protect peace.
Thanks for being patient. Help spread kindness. Be safe. Stay well.
Consider gift cards for springtime…
Shop online or via phone… Make a Downtown business’s day! Buy a gift card from your favorite Downtown Naperville business now, and enjoy later! Call the business from which you wish to order gift cards and they will mail them directly to you (many have special gift card and product deals, too). Need a list of downtown businesses? Here you go… www.downtownnaperville.com.
If Downtown Naperville is among your favorite destinations, pay attention to what’s opened recently and what’s coming soon.
- Andrew’s Garden – Now open at 32 W. Chicago Avenue
- Warby Parker – Now open at 140 W Jefferson
- Hizemans – Now open on Washington
- Lovesac – Now open on Jefferson
- Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea – Now open on Washington
- Front Street Cantina – Reopening June 2021 with a newly renovated interior and an outdoor dining garden, too!
- JoJo’s Shake Bar – Opening Summer 2021!
- Kerwell – Opening Summer 2021!
- The NOW Massage – Opening Summer 2021!
More around town

Meson Sabika is located at 1025 Aurora Avenue, offering spacious outdoor patio dining as well as its carry-out and delivery menus, too. Advance orders can be placed via www.mesonsabika.com or by calling (630) 983-3000 x2. Editor’s Hint: Consider ordering signature dishes such as garlic potato salad and bacon wrapped dates and let the folks at Meson Sabika help you with the daily specials and other delicious menu selections.
Enjoy special treats from DeEtta’s Bakery, open during regular hours with donuts, breads, cakes and other delicious pastries! DeEtta’s is located at 428 W. Fifth Ave., curbside service is available upon request when orders are placed over the phone. Simply call ahead, (630) 548-4078.
The Boxes Etc. Naperville in Cress Creek Square Shopping Center is ready to serve! Looking for graduation gifts? Find a variety of greeting cards and gifts ready to mail in store, too. Located at 790 Royal St. George, the independently-owned mail center is open during regular business hours with ideas for gifts for dads, too.
During recent stay at home, perhaps you’ve uncovered keepsakes that could be better framed by Colbert Custom Framing & Art Printing for safe display. For details, call (630) 717-1448 or email service@colbertcf.com. Note: Colbert Custom Framing & Art Printing, Stephanie Corbert Randall and the team at Colbert Custom Framing look forward to working with you!
Observe a little public health advice…
Wiggle your fingers & toes. Be safe. Be well.
- “Y on the Go” online offers classes and activities provided by YMCA of Metro Chicago.
- DuPage County Health Department Suggests: Be prepared for any emergency, any time! In case you have to go to the hospital, consider creating an emergency contact list including family friends, neighbors, carpool drivers, healthcare providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources. Download a free template from FEMA here: www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/133447
- Give the gift of life! Donate blood. Members of the Naperville Freemasons are partnering with Versiti Blood Center to host a blood drive at the Naperville-Market Meadows Versiti Blood Center. The Blood Drive will run from May 10 through May 22, allowing donors to participate with respect to individual schedules, and to increase blood donations, as there have been about 130,000 fewer donations than usual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Call the Center at (800) 786)-4483 or register on the secure Versiti at www.versiti.org, and mention the Naperville Freemasons, organizers said.
Naper Nuts & Sweets at 10 W. Jefferson Avenue in downtown Naperville offers the very best treat shop for caramel corn, ice cream and all your favorite candies. Phone orders are available at (630) 355-5330.
Dine Naperville features restaurants to whet every appetite. Whether tastes from around the world, farm to table or seafood to steaks, the Naperville restaurant community offers all the delicious menus.

Here’s hoping PN’s calendar of traditional events will go live with updates soon…
Thanks for reading PN Posts on “Latest News.” Please consider special fundraising events. Note unmet needs of local nonprofits continue every day. Thanks for donating when you can. Every donation helps somebody.
Check out giving opportunities and needs at Loaves & Fishes Community Services at www.loaves-fishes.org.
Be alert to internet (including bogus social media) shenanigans and phone scams. They’re rampant. And don’t get hacked.
We appreciate your trust as we aim to help keep the community safe and healthy without click bait, sensational headlines and drama.
We admit we have a huge bias toward good news and positive thoughts. More than ever, we appreciate everyone who contributes to our monthly publication, following our focus to bring our community together no matter how far apart we are.
PN may not be first, but we aim to be accurate.
Deal with facts!
Considering the unpredictability the pandemic has presented since March 2020, we want to reassure our readers that every attempt will be to bring you up-to-date, hyperlocal news posts, aiming to be a trusted source of information brought to you by our forever-appreciated sponsoring advertisers and monthly subscribers.
Here’s what was posted on the CDC website on May 13, 2021:
- If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic.
- Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.
- If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, find a vaccine.
Throughout these challenging times, factual information from reliable sources must remain freely available to all dedicated readers in print and online.