When I think of my childhood and the songs that seemed to make my world go around, I think of all the classic rock staples like Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven” or The Eagles’ “Hotel California.” When I think about songs that have touched entire generations of people throughout the world, that global scope brings to mind only a few chosen ones.
A song that immediately comes to mind is Don McLean’s “American Pie.” McLean’s masterpiece about “the day the music died” is a song that is known by just about everyone that walks the Earth. So, as the song is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, I was given the honor and privilege to speak with McLean as he was promoting a new recording of the song by a vocal group called Home Free.
As I was preparing for my interview with McLean, I started to think of what a daunting task I had ahead of me. Is there a question that he hasn’t been asked?! On the other hand, I felt like I could talk to the man for hours about his entire catalog of brilliant folk songs.
I had fifteen minutes.
As a sign of the times, our interview was documented over a Zoom session and is available to view on my YouTube channel (search “Dr. Music Don McLean”). In the interview you’ll see a confident and comfortable man of 75 years that still has immense passion for life and music.
You’ll see a man that talks about touring the world whenever COVID restrictions will let him.
You’ll also see a man that is starstruck in the presence of greatness – and yes, that guy is me!