Above / With fond memories of fountains and flags in autumn 2018, note that at this time, the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street, remains closed to the public, expected to reopen on Feb. 1, 2021. Nonetheless, Naperville City Council will meet virtually to conduct public business at 7PM the first and third Tuesday of the month. Council Chambers might be reopened by the end of March. For now, all City of Naperville buildings remain closed, following local protocols in a continued effort to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the community.
Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners / 6:30PM Jan. 28
Update, Jan. 27, 2021 / Thanks to readers who requested that we remind residents of the Naperville Park District Board of Commissioners meeting at 6:30PM Thurs., Jan. 28, 2021. Click here to find meeting agenda and documents. Public comments are welcome, too. Thanks for paying attention.
Note: “The Board will receive public comment regarding non-agenda topics in person or via email before the scheduled start time of the meeting, directed to Executive Director Ray McGury at rmcgury@napervilleparks.org or voice mail (630) 848-3500 to be read aloud or played, up to three minutes per speaker. Comments regarding an agenda topic will be allowed upon consideration of the item prior to board discussion, by this same procedure.”
The Naperville Park District board agenda also includes two resolutions:
3.1 Approve Resolution 21-01 Regarding HB 3653 (Criminal Justice Reform Bill) Disapproving of the Legislative Process and Recommending Governor Pritzker’s Veto
Original Post, Jan. 19, 2021 / Your Positively Naperville editors have been receiving inquiries regarding the agenda for the City Council meeting that begins streaming live and via government access cable TV at 7PM today, Tues., Jan. 19. The agenda is copied below with instructions on how to participate.
Folks want to know if Positively Naperville accepts letters to the editor regarding items on the City Council agenda. At this time, PN does not accept letters to the editor.
We do, however, urge residents to pay attention to agendas for City Council as well as Planning and Zoning, especially while meetings are held virtually. Listening live is a way to learn what’s on City Council’s mind without hearsay.
Watch City Council meetings on WCNC Government Access TV (Ch. 6-WOW, Ch. 10 – Comcast, Ch. 99 – AT&T) or find them steaming online at naperville.legistar.com. Or listen by telephone (audio only). Note registration to receive dial-in phone number is required by calling the City Clerk’s Office at (630) 305-5300, by 5PM on January 19.
If you miss the “live’ opportunity, meetings are saved for future viewing in the City’s archive. Meetings are usually posted online within a couple hours of the end of the meeting.
We miss our seat at the back of City Council Chambers where we had observed City Council meetings “live” since 1995. When Council Chambers went dark for public meetings last spring we began watching Channel 10 or streaming on our desktop. We’re told the sound system that’s been undergoing much-needed upgrades will allow Council Chambers to reopen by the end of March. Meanwhile, watch City Council meetings on cable TV.
If you’re planning to speak, remember the up-to-3-minute rule and please prepare remarks in advance. Keep comments short and to the point. Practice speaking slowly and clearly.
Thanks to all who serve and to all who participate with reason and respect.
Perhaps also order take-out and pick up dinner before 7PM. Remember it’s 2021 Naperville Restaurant Week until Jan. 31. —PN
Update / At 11PM, Jan. 20, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting ended just as public commentary was about to begin regarding the 13.36-acre site at 3540 248th Avenue for the Islamic Center of Naperville. Public feedback will be welcomed when the PZC meeting resumes at 7PM Wed., Feb. 3, 2021.
City Council Agenda / January 19, 2021 / Recap
F. AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS: Commemorate and honor the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s visit to Naperville
1. 21-0036
G. PUBLIC FORUM: To address the City Council via Zoom and provide no more than three (3) minutes of public comment, members of the public must register by 5PM on January 19 at: www.naperville.il.us/speakersignup.
The public may choose to provide public comment in any of the following ways:
1. Submit a written comment to the City in advance of the City Council meeting (by 5PM on
January 19) to be read into the public record during the City Council meeting by a member of staff.
2. Submit a one-word statement of “SUPPORT” or “OPPOSITON” regarding a specific agenda item to be read into the public record during the City Council meeting by a member of staff.
3. Address the City Council live during the City Council meeting via spoken audio. Individuals who want to address the Council live must sign up to speak in advance of the City Council meeting (by 5PM on January 19).
Once signed up, the individual will receive an email from the City Clerk’s Office after the sign-up time ends with information about how to join the meeting.
• Online sign-up closes at 5PM on January 19, at which time no other speakers or comments will be accepted.
Approve the cash disbursements for the period of 12/01/2020 through 12/31/2020 for a total of $28,030,414.65
1. 21-0033
2. 21-0039 Approve the regular City Council meeting minutes of January 5, 2021 Approve the City Council meeting schedule for February, March & April 2021
3. 21-0076
Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 21-009, Oracle Support Renewal, to Mythics, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $107,853 and for a one-year term
4. 20-1517
Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 21-043, Police Department Roof Restoration Phase 2 to Tremco Weatherproofing Technology Inc. for an amount not to exceed $283,999.22 and a 5% contingency
5. 20-1532
Approve mayoral appointments to the Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission
6. 21-0037
Waive the first reading and pass an ordinance amending Section 6-7F-3 of the Naperville Municipal Code to allow eating establishments, when located within a Planned Unit Development, as a conditional use in the Office, Commercial, and Institutional zoning district (PZC 20-1-124) (requires 6 positive votes)
7. 21-0051
Waive the first reading and pass an ordinance amending Chapter 2 (General Zoning Provisions) of Title 6 (Zoning Ordinance) regarding Bed and Breakfast Establishments (PZC 20-1-123) (requires 6 positive votes)
8. 21-0052
Conduct the first reading regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 3 (Administration and Enforcement) and Chapter 4 (Planned Unit Developments) of Title 6 (Zoning Regulations) related to deviations, zoning decisions by the City Council, and PUD revocations – PZC 20-1-122
9. 21-0053
Pass the ordinance approving a variance to Section 6-2-10:6 for the property located at 1516 Mya Court – PZC 20-1-112
10. 21-0025B
11. 21-0059 Pass the ordinance reserving the City’s 2021 Volume Cap
12. 21-0055 Adopt the resolution of Official Intent for Reimbursement of Capital Projects
Adopt the resolution regarding HB 3653 (Criminal Justice Reform Bill), disapproving of the legislative process and recommending Governor Pritzker’s veto
1. 21-0111 (Click here for Veto Resolution as well as Summary of Criminal Reform Omnibus featured on City’s website.)
PN Update! By the numbers following Jan. 19, 2021, Council meeting…
Mayor Chirico advised that public commentary be directed toward the process and not the content of the Criminal Justice Reform Bill HB 3653. (Click here to watch nearly two-and-a-half hours of public comment and council deliberation that begins about 23 minutes into the meeting.)
The City Council listened to seven (7) speakers, pro and con, who phoned into the virtual meeting regarding the process when elected officials in Springfield set the 764-page Criminal Justice Reform Bill for passage in the middle of the night. City Council also received 74 written responses, pro and con, mostly in support of the resolution. The City Council received 37 “no” responses from the public and 215 “yes” responses regarding support of the resolution.
After the lengthy deliberation, the 9-member City Council voted 4-5 against sending the resolution to Governor Pritzker that asked for his veto of the Criminal Justice Reform Bill because of the process. The vote was 4 (Coyne, Gustin, Hinterlong and Chirico) to 5 (Kelly, Sullivan, Krummen, White and Brodhead).
In 1976, President Gerald Ford signed the Government in the Sunshine Act into law. Ever since, sunshine laws have focused on regulations requiring transparency and disclosure in government. Sunshine laws make deliberation at meetings, records, votes and other official actions available for public observation, participation, feedback, vetting and/or complete inspection.
The Naperville City Council has attempted to address keeping its meetings finished by 11PM. To continue meetings after 11PM, Council members must request extensions. Sometimes City Council as well as Plan Commission meetings have been extended into the wee hours of the morning. In our opinion, middle-of-the-night deliberation and voting is not the best way to involve local residents or to keep government honest and participatory. —PN
Approve the 2021 Special Events calendar and designate the calendar as closed
1. 21-0050
Adopt the resolution approving the establishment of a Temporary Utility Assistance Program in partnership with Loaves & Fishes Community Services and receive the staff report on the viability of additional assistance initiatives
2. 21-0047
3. 21-0082 Receive the January 2021 Financial Report
Thanks for paying attention to what’s happening in your hometown
At 11PM, Jan. 20, 2021, the Planning and Zoning meeting ended and will be continued at 7PM Wed., Feb. 3, 2021.
The next Naperville City Council meeting begins at 7PM Tues., Feb. 2. Stay tuned.