Video: First COVID-19 vaccine administered at Edward Hospital

The first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was administered at Edward Hospital in Naperville Thursday afternoon. Andy Dhanoa, a respiratory therapy who works on the frontlines mostly in the COVID unit, was the first to get vaccinated.

The 37-year-old Dhanoa had COVID-19 earlier this year and has recovered. He had symptoms for eight days and said family members also contracted COVID-19.

“If you can get it, (the vaccine) it’s going to save your life,” said Dhanoa. He will continue to follow all health guidelines including wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.

Dhanoa and the other several hundred medical staff that received the vaccine Thursday afternoon will receive their second dose on January 7.

The first delivery of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine arrived around 6:25AM on Thursday, December 17, 2020, at Edward Hospital in Naperville under escort from DuPage County Sheriff deputies.

3,900 doses began to be administered Thursday afternoon to healthcare workers that care for COVID-19 patients.

Deliveries will be ongoing in the coming weeks.

Note also that early this morning on live television, Vice President Mike Pence received the COVID vaccine, repeating a message that the speed at which the vaccine was developed was “a medical miracle.”

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