As we approach the second month of our stay-at-home environment, it’s interesting to see what people are doing with their time. Many people, of course, are working hard from home and those in essential services are working hard in their appropriate locations. Needless to say, this is hard for everybody.
Importantly, we have seen that so many people are also thinking about those families that are less fortunate – families that were already struggling before this crisis (aka the “Great Cessation”) or families that have been suddenly and dramatically upended. When I talk to our volunteers and other people in the community, despite their own situation, the first question they usually ask is, “how can I help?” I’m simply amazed at the selflessness and relentless desire to help. These are the roots of the greatness of our community. For this, I am very grateful and appreciative.
As evidence for what our community can do together, on the day I wrote this, a Thursday, Loaves & Fishes served 435 families. On a typical Thursday pre-crisis, we typically served 150 families during the day. We’ve had to establish a safer operating environment at our facility with social distancing and requiring those with a higher health risk profile to stay home, which means that we have had to operate with only 20% of the usual staff and volunteers. Doing so much more with so much less only happens by constantly innovating.
I’m very thankful for the creativity and patience of the people who are making this happen daily at our facility. I’m also thankful for the people who are staying home, even though they do not want to because it helps make our operating environment safer.
We’ve all been through a lot in the past month. I’ve been fortunate to have witnessed our giving community at work. Your stepping up to support the many families in need is simply amazing. Thank you so much.