Above / Sam & Joe, a cartoon with a couple of characters created by Jared Moser, is now featured monthly in Positively Naperville.
Cartoonist Jared Moser, hailing from Wheeling, Illinois, is a freshman at North Central College, studying journalism and media communications, with a minor in animation. He plays volleyball and golf for North Central, resulting in receiving ACVA national player of the week, and conference freshman of the year for volleyball.
After a chance meeting in February at the North Central College WONC Radio Station (89.1 FM Pure Rock), Moser submitted samples of his work. In March, Positively Naperville’s publisher began running Moser’s comics featuring a couple of his buddies.
Moser says Sam & Joe started off “as a doodle in a middle school note book, and with the influences of Calvin & Hobbes, and Big Nate,” the teenage “best friends” grew into the bickering sidekicks they are today.
So far, Moser has depicted the dynamic duo in response to Daylight Saving Time, St. Patrick’s Day and April Fools.
Sam & JoeSam & JoeSam & Joe
From now on, look for Sam & Joe with timely messages featured in print every month.