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Thursday, February 13, 2025

It’s Pumpkin Day! Watch the 2019 Pumpkin Race at Rotary Hill


Above / Pumpkin Race today at Rotary Hill! Rain or shine… Fond memories of fun and silliness were created during the first three Pumpkin Races hosted by Turning Pointe Autism Foundation. Next up, pumpkins in all shapes and sizes return this afternoon, Oct. 26, to Rotary Hill along the Riverwalk.  Register to race by 1PM. Pumpkin racer kits are available for purchase. Watch the fun for free! Lots of fun things to do, too! Be on time! First heat begins at 1:30PM. Let the competition begin!

Find plenty of parking in the Naperville Central High School lot across Aurora Avenue.

All ages and abilities are welcome to race a pumpkin down Rotary Hill during the entertaining event from 1-3PM Sat., Oct. 26. The 4th Annual Pumpkin Race is hosted by Turning Pointe Autism Foundation. The first heat runs at 1:30PM.

Friends are invited to create their own pumpkin racer to race in a unique side-by-side single elimination race in a funky, hilarious, suspenseful, and dramatic display of American ingenuity, judged by officials. Excitement builds as pumpkin racers battle head-to-head for the coveted Pumpkin Race Championship Trophy. Prizes will be presented for best pumpkin decorations and best Halloween costume, too.

Run more or less like a Soap Box Derby, pumpkin racers will be eliminated heat by heat.
The heats go on and on…
Pumpkin racers have welcomed all types of imaginations… Just be sure your entry can pass the pumpkin test.

Each Pumpkin Race set includes two axles, four wheels and nuts and bolts and assembly instructions to hold the pumpkin you purchase at a local farm stand. Pumpkin kits are $20 and are available for purchase at www.turningpointeautismfoundation.org/product/pumpkin-race-kit.

Pumpkins and space for last-minute pumpkin decorating also are available at the event.

For more info, safety procedures and to check out the video about the Pumpkin Race, visit www.turningpointeautismfoundation.org.

Rotary Hill is located along the Naperville Riverwalk where the iconic Moser Tower with the 72-bell carillon stands 160 feet or 14 stories high. Find parking at Naperville Central High School, just south across Aurora Ave.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.