Good News! Our Housing Commission finalized their recommendation to the City Council that the 5th Ave. development include a minimum of 20 percent affordable housing. This translates to new for sale units at around $130,000 and rents to be around $1,000 per month. Everyone interested should watch to see when this comes up on the Council agenda— and be there in person to show your support. The City Council needs to know how strongly the citizens want and need this housing.
Seniors in Naperville area are so blessed with all the “do good” agencies we have available for us. One is TRIAD, which is composed of the cities and townships of Lisle and Naperville and their police departments. One of their “do-good” projects will be here again for their annual Senior Housing Options Expo. That’s SHOE for short.
This is a great not-to-be-missed opportunity for seniors and their adult children. Some topics will be housing options and alternatives, downsizing, elder law, home care services, home modifications, plus, plus, plus.
SHOE will be held from 9AM to noon on Fri., April 26 at Grace Point Church, located at 1320 Chicago Ave. There will be around 50 vendors.
Our Senior Task Force will be there along with RAN. Lots to see and learn.
Chuckle Time: I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.