26 F
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Shovel sidewalks in Naperville within 48 hours of snow event


Above / Did you know that Naperville sidewalks such as this one along Ogden Avenue (Pictured on Jan. 19, 2019) are expected to be shoveled within 48 hours of any snow event? All city sidewalks, public, commercial and residential, are expected to be clear for the public safety of all citizens who use the walkways to get around town. Thanks to all who comply.

Update Feb. 12, 2025 / For days, the forecast for Wed., Feb. 12, has been snow—lots of snow. Here we are and forecasters promote “periods of snow” with temperatures hovering around 28 degrees with winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow throughout the day continues to be 80 percent. Snow accumulations less than one inch. By 2:37PM, Feb. 12, the forecast has changed according to The Weather Channel. “Mainly cloudy with snow showers around this evening. Very cold. Low near 15F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 50%.”

Update Dec. 21, 2022 / A blizzard is forecast to hit the area on Dec. 22. And again this post about snow removal is being searched.

During the final City Council meeting of 2022, Naperville residents were reminded that the forecast for Thurs., Dec. 22, is snow showers with temps falling sharply to single digits and the chance of snow accumulating up to 4 inches. By evening, winds could occasionally gust over 40-50 mph. DPW storm crews will be on the roads with 22 plows working around the clock along with 50-70 other vehicles. CITY ASKS THAT NO VEHICLES BE PARKED IN THE ROADWAYS to help with snow operations when blowing snow will be the issue. Be safe.

Update Jan. 31, 2021 / Once again, as folks search the internet for updates on snow-related info, this page is attracting attention, so we added a couple photos taken after this morning’s sidewalk shovel brigade. Note, in addition to clearing sidewalks, remember to keep storm drains clear to be prepared when the heavy snow melts. Also, help keep any nearby fire hydrants clear and ready for emergencies.

If a storm drain is on the curb of your property or in your back yard, check to be sure drains are clear from ice and snow.
While you’re at it, if a fire hydrant is located on your property, be sure it’s free from ice and snow.

Updated Dec. 30, 2020 / Last evening’s snow has readers searching for this information that’s saved in PN’s archive in the cloud. The policy on snow removal remains the same.

Posted Jan. 21, 2019 / During the first City Council Meeting of 2019, held on Tues., Jan. 15, the topic of snow removal responsibility on city sidewalks after a snow event came up during public comment.

Just how long do residents and business owners have to shovel sidewalks on their property to create safe passage for all ages who use sidewalks regularly?

Simply put, 48 hours.

Using 48 hours as stated in City code, the recent snow fall ended Saturday evening. Let’s use 11:59PM Jan. 19, 2019, for the sake of this reference.

According to City code, all sidewalks along business and residential property are to be cleared for safe passage by 11:59 Mon., Jan. 21. In essence, by midnight today.

Talk to friends, neighbors and local business owners to be sure they know the Naperville code.

Thanks for shoveling sidewalks ASAP!

That way, all sidewalks will be cleared for children walking and returning to school on Tuesday after Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, a national holiday when local schools are closed.

Saturday’s snow seemed to stick especially where the wind blew it on the sidewalks.

At 4PM Sun., Jan. 20, many local sidewalks remained covered with tracks in the snow where individuals had attempted to get from one place to another.

Most noticeable, however, was that many residents already had shoveled their sidewalks in the frigid weather, well in advance of the 48 hours listed in City Code.

Thanks to property owners and residents that cleared the sidewalks along Jefferson Avenue between Ogden and River roads before 4PM on Sun., Jan 20, way in advance of 48 hours listed in City Code.

For more information about the City’s procedures when snow accumulates on driveways and sidewalks, visit www.naperville.il.us/services/snow-and-ice-removal/snow-removal/.

Watch City Council meetings saved in City’s archive

Anyone who wants to watch the discussion regarding snow and removal from sidewalks as presented at the end of the public forum during the City Council meeting on Tues., Jan. 15, 2019, can view the comments that are saved in the archive on the City’s website.

Find more information about snow and ice removal with maps and updates during weather events, visit https://www.naperville.il.us/snow-and-ice-removal/. PN also aims to keep residents informed.

The following information regarding driveways and sidewalks also is posted on the City’s website, www.naperville.il.us.

Do I have to shovel my sidewalk?

Yes. Property owners must keep clean and open for public passage any sidewalk or sidewalks abutting on or adjacent to their lot or parcel of land. The sidewalks should be cleared of snow and ice within 48 hours following the weather event.

Please note that it is unlawful to remove snow or ice from private property and deposit it upon any public street or alley or any part thereof.


Residents are responsible for shoveling their driveways. City crews try to avoid putting large piles of snow in front of driveways; however, snowplows have to push the snow out of the road to allow for safe travel.

Please place snow in your yard and not in the street, as putting it in the street causes slippery conditions for both motorists and pedestrians and is against City code.


Residents and/or property owners are responsible for shoveling their sidewalks, per City code. This helps keep pedestrians – including children walking to school – safe. Please also clear snow around fire hydrants to aid firefighters and around meters to aid utility meter readers.

Commercial parking lots are cleared by their property owners. The city clears snow from city parking lots, the areas around the downtown Naperville train station and downtown sidewalks.

City sidewalks that surround the Public Safety Center at River and Aurora have been cleared for safe passage well in advance of 48 hours. Still, no matter what sidewalk or how clear, it’s always wise to pay careful attention as you walk to prevent possible slip falls.

Share info with neighbors about city codes & code enforcement

During public comments, City staff reminded the community that local code enforcement is best accommodated in Naperville when citizens let the City know of an infraction. Staff called it “complaint-based.”

Talk to neighbors and help them understand local codes regarding snow removal, yard sale signs and campaign signs, garbage containers, mobile storage units, etc. Sometimes folks just don’t know the local codes, that it’s their responsibility to shovel and keep sidewalks clear on their property or that it’s up to them to help recognize when there’s a violation.

Adopt-a-Drain Program

Also, local residents can participate in the “Adopt-a-Drain Program,” an initiative where homeowners can sign up to assist the Department of Public Works by monitoring drains and keeping them clear of leaves, debris, snow and ice to help prevent flooding in their neighborhoods. 

Thanks again to all residents who clear sidewalks for everyone who enjoys walking, for folks who walk their dogs and for youngsters heading to school. Sometimes even the best intentions after a snow event will require a second or third shoveling for public safety. 

To report a code violation, write the TED Business Group , 400 S. Eagle St.  Naperville, IL 60540; call (630) 420-6100 Opt. 3; or email Code Enforcement via ce@naperville.il.us.

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.