Above / At 8:59AM, hundreds of kids again will be set to collect colored plastic eggs when the siren sounds at 9AM to start the annual Naperville Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt that will be over within five minutes on March 31, 2018.
Update, March 31… Yes! Rain or shine!
OK. Here we go again…
What do you find when you combine 14,000 stuffed colored plastic eggs visibly glistening and spread over four baseball diamonds at Frontier Park on the Saturday before Easter Sunday?
You find hundreds of joyful kids lined up according to age for a mad scramble to fill Easter baskets and other containers as they experience the longtime tradition of gathering eggs at the Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt.
After the big hunt, lines form again for pictures with the Easter Bunny and other characters on hand for the fun of it.
What’s more, Frank E. Fling, the Naperville Jaycees mascot, also makes a special appearance with reminders of all the special events the Jaycees are planning this spring and the remainder of the year.
Be sure to arrive in plenty of time (Jaycees suggest 30 minutes in advance) and be in line by 8:55AM on the Saturday before Easter. The siren sounds promptly at 9AM and the dash to gather eggs is over within minutes, if not seconds.
In fact, the Jaycees promote the Easter Egg Hunt as a 10-minute event from 8:55 to 9:05AM. After the hunt, the Easter Bunny hops into place for photos. Thanks, Naperville Jaycees!
2017 PHOTO GALLERY / Click any photo to enlarge.
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Jaycees spring into action with DSAs, Lobster Day and more
Next up, the Naperville Jaycees will host their annual Distinguished Service Awards in April.

The 40th annual Distinguished Service Awards will be held beginning at 6:30PM on Thursday, April 26, 2018, at the Pavilion at Meson Sabika in Naperville.
First, however, the community is invited to nominate individuals and organizations to receive the high honor that recognizes community spirit and dedication to Naperville.
The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) welcomes nominations in the following categories: Business, Public Employee, Community Leader, Educator, Not For Profit Leader or Organization, Student Volunteer, Healthcare Professional and the Charles “Chuck” Bueche Lifetime Achievement award.
Nominations are currently being accepted through March 31, 2018, the same day as the Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt!
Nominations are accepted both electronically and by mail.
For more information regarding the Naperville Jaycees Distinguished Service Awards, details on award categories or instructions on how to submit a nomination, visit www.naperjaycees.org/dsa.
Note that in 2017, Ron Keller & Ann Lord received the Charles “Chuck” Bueche Lifetime Achievement Award for their combined commitment of more than a century to the Naperville Municipal Band. The Lifetime Achievement Award is named in honor of Chuck Bueche, a charter member of the Naperville Jaycees with an impeccable attendance record and more than 55 years of service to the club.
Lobster Day is May 12
The Jaycees annual Lobster Day is set for May 12. The popular sale of surf and turf always occurs in time for Mother’s Day.
And, of course, the service club is currently planning its annual four-day family festival, Last Fling, held over Labor Day Weekend.
Looking toward Jaycees Last Fling, August 31-September 3, 2018…
For a brief overview, Last Fling features live music, carnival, Family Fun Land, and the Labor Day Parade in downtown Naperville. The festival that dates back to the late 1960s is the Jaycees’ largest annual fundraiser and it’s accomplished with much-needed support from its generous sponsors and the entire community.
With local volunteer help, and the assistance of so many others, the volunteer members of the Naperville Jaycees are able to donate money raised to many worthy charitable organizations. And to host free events such as the annual Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt.
More than ever, the Jaycees welcome volunteers to assist at Last Fling. What’s more, volunteers from nonprofit groups find Last Fling as a means to serve the community while having a great time and raising money for their own organizations. Nonprofit groups will receive a donation from the Naperville Jaycees to thank them for assisting with the Last Fling.
For-profit groups and community members who simply wish to volunteer for a shift or two or three also are welcome to sign up for shifts during the four-day festival.
Simply visit http://www.lastfling.org/Volunteer and click on the Sign up Link to sign up today.
Young volunteers welcome, too!
Last Fling offers volunteer opportunities for teens, too. The Jaycees ask that one adult be provided for every 2 to 4 youth volunteers. Every effort will be made to include young volunteers, but please keep in mind that most of the tasks needing assistance require adult volunteers. Sign ups are first come, first serve, so sign up early.
Volunteers will contacted in August to confirm times, locations and other details. For more information, feel free to contact the Jaycees at admin@lastfling.org or (630) 961-4143.
The Naperville Jaycees Last Fling Committee appreciates all assistance.
Join Jaycees!
Naperville Jaycees host meetings on the second Tuesday evening of most months at the Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 and new members always are welcome.
For everything about membership, philanthropy, meetings and more regarding the Naperville Jaycees, visit www.naperjaycees.org.
Easter Egg Hunt photos by PN.