25.4 F
Monday, February 10, 2025

March Briefs


German language church service

Church services in the German language will be held at St. John United Church of Christ at 11:30AM on Sun., March 4.

The service will be led by Dr. Egon Gerdes, and all are welcome to attend. St. John UCC is located at 1190 Olesen Dr. German services are held on the first Sunday of every month and will continue on April 1. For more info, call (630) 355-5208.

State of the City is March 19

The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce will again host the State of the City address given by Mayor Steve Chirico. The community event is slated to begin at 11AM on Monday, March 19, at the Embassy Suites Chicago-Naperville.

Mayor Chirico will deliver an informative review of the past year.

Interested individuals are encouraged to make reservations as early as possible. This popular and timely event typically sells out to NACC members and guests. It’s scheduled for two hours.

Embassy Suites Chicago-Naperville is located at 1823 Abriter Court, just north of Diehl Road.

For information about the State of the City luncheon ($50 for members and $75 for guests) and sponsorships, contact Kara Carpenter at (630) 544-3360 or Beth Ann DiFranco at (630) 544-3365.

Registration also is available online at www.naperville.net.

‘Buy a Brick’ Campaign continues

During the Riverwalk 2000 fundraiser launched in 1997, the Daily Herald sponsored a “Buy a Brick” ad campaign featuring different residents holding the “Your Name Here” brick.

Today, the initiative that gives individuals the opportunity to write a message to be engraved on a brick or a granite stone continues to be a popular gift item and a way to support the Riverwalk Foundation.

Find complete details with photos about this personalized gift in a story featured at www.positivelynaperville.com. Search “Buy a Brick.”

To order a 4 x 8 brick ($150) for the Riverwalk extension or an 8 x 8 brick ($250) for Fredenhagen Park, simply send a check made payable to the Riverwalk Foundation with your 12 character per line, 3-line ($150) or 6-line message ($250) to Jan Erickson, Riverwalk Administrator, City of Naperville, TED Business Group, 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, IL 60540. Include your name, address, phone number, e-mail or other contact information.

For more information, contact Erickson at (630) 305-5984 or ericksonj@naperville.il.us.

Enter lottery to host bake sale at Naperville Municipal Band Concert

The Naperville Municipal Band is now accepting application letters for bake sale sponsors for the free series of 11 band concerts in Central Park this summer. The deadline to be entered in the lottery is Mon., March 5.

Concerts are held at 7:30PM on Thursdays from June 7 through Aug. 16, 2018. Any nonprofit organization serving the Naperville community is eligible to apply.

And what’s the most popular item at the bake sale? Pie. Pie. Pie. Especially rhubarb pie. Homemade cookies and brownies come next.

The applicant’s letter should include the organization’s name and a brief explanation of its purpose, in addition to the name, address, email address and telephone number of the organization’s president or concert bake sale chairperson.

Application letters must be received by March 5 to be eligible for the lottery.

Send the application letter to: Concert Bake Sale Chairman, Naperville Municipal Band, P.O. Box 474, Naperville, IL. 60566. Or email to rlmansoor@att.net.

For more information, email info@napervilleband.org or visit www.napervilleband.org.

Housewares Show Packing Event

Volunteers are welcome to take the bus on March 13 to the annual Housewares Show Packing Event at McCormick Place in Chicago. Family Shelter Service again has been selected as a recipient of the International Housewares Show Charity Product Donation Program.

Organizers welcome 150 volunteers to help pack up donated products that will be used as a fundraiser for Family Shelter Service.

Anyone who’d like to take the bus from Wheaton to McCormick Place is asked to sign up in advance for transportation that leaves at noon. The bus will return around 9PM.

If providing your own transportation, meet the group at 1:45PM at McCormick Place Hall C2. Packing is planned until 8PM.

Volunteers must be 18 years old.

For complete details, visit www.familyshelterservice.org.

Residents invited to ‘Chat with the Chief’ on March 2

Naperville Police Chief Robert Marshall invites the community to chat with him and members of his senior staff over coffee on Friday, March 2.

This informal meet-and-greet is part of the Naperville Police Department’s “Chat with the Chief” series and will be held from 10AM to noon at the Starbucks Reserve located at 42 W. Jefferson Ave. in Downtown Naperville.

“I truly enjoy getting out into the community to respond to residents’ questions and listen to their concerns,” said Chief Marshall. “Our department has made a conscious effort in the last year to really engage the community, increase transparency and improve communication. These chats provide an opportunity for residents to talk personally to myself and other department decision-makers about the department, our policies, our values or any other topic.”

At “Chat with the Chief,” residents should not expect a presentation or formal agenda, but rather informal conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. Residents are encouraged to stop by at any time during the two-hour event, which includes complimentary fresh brewed, courtesy of Starbucks.

“Chat with the Chief” is hosted several times each year in various locations throughout the city. For more information on Chat with the Chief, visit www.naperville.il.us/npd/chatwithchief.

Senior Housing Options Expo is set for April 27

The Naperville Lisle Triad will hold its third annual Senior Housing Options Expo (SHOE) from 9AM to 12PM on Fri., April 27, at GracePointe Church in Naperville.

Triad is a nonprofit organization made up of local municipalities, law enforcement, fire departments senior service providers and seniors themselves. The organization’s main objectives are to educate and promote safety for senior citizens in the community. Triad offers several free events throughout the year, all hosted by volunteers, and SHOE is one of them.

“This is our third year of providing this comprehensive resource of solutions through the 40-plus senior service providers and agencies who will be present along with city officials from both Naperville and Lisle,” noted volunteer Mike Cooper.

Topics covered at this event include home modifications for safety and convenience, downsizing, home sharing, relocation, day service programs, moving and selling, assisted and independent living, avoiding scams, senior advisors and agencies, property tax programs, transportation and more.

The focus is on housing and transportation, but attendees can expect that any and all needed services for the senior market will be present at SHOE.

For more information on this event, visit www.naperville-lisle-triad.org/shoe-senior-housing-options-expo.

GracePointe Church Naperville is located at 1320 E. Chicago Ave.

Naperville fish fry tradition continues

The Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 will host its annual “All You Can Eat” Friday Night Fish Fry 4:30 to 7:30PM every Friday through March 30.

The menu varies with kid-friendly items and will always offer baked tilapia, fried cod, chicken and/or chicken nuggets, salad, vegetables (8 hot items), plus rolls, dessert and coffee every Friday. The buffet is prepared by Belgio’s Catering. The full menu is available at www.napervfw3873.org.

Adults will cost $12, seniors $10, children 4-11 $7, and children 3 and under are free.

Spread the word to relatives, friends, neighbors and co-workers about this annual fun and fundraising event. The Judd Kendall VFW Post is located at 908 W. Jackson Ave., with plenty of parking south of the building.

A Cup of Hope: Garden Tea to Solve Hunger will be held at Hotel Arista March 4

The Executive Women’s Council of Northern Illinois Food Bank reawakens spring gardeners while they enjoy afternoon tea for a worthy cause. The mission of Women’s Executive Council is to bring awareness to Northern Illinois Food Bank plus generate very important funds for children nutrition programs. One in five children are food insecure in the 13 counties that Northern Illinois supports.

The third-annual event, to be held Sunday, March 4 at Hotel Arista in Naperville, will gather gardeners and Food Bank supporters alike for a traditional afternoon tea party experience, complete with an extensive selection of sparkling wines, teas, appetizers and raffle prizes.

The afternoon will also include a presentation by Bill Shores, of Shores Garden Consulting, drawing on his experience in the farm to table movement to discuss “Designing with Edibles.”

Shores has been professionally involved in small-scale, intensive gardening and food production since 1993. He specializes in space-efficient gardening systems suited to the urban/suburban environment including container gardens, indoor gardens, raised beds, rooftop gardens, and intensively planted small space, in-ground gardens, all of which utilize season extension, composting and plant propagation techniques.

For tickets and more info, visit www.solvehungertoday.org or contact Kate Thomas at (630) 443-6910 ext. 117 or kthomas@northernilfoodbank.org.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.