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Saturday, January 18, 2025

July briefs


Students recognized by Accessible Community Task Force

In early May, five students were honored with Student Recognition Awards at the Naperville Municipal Center. These students were chosen by the Accessible Community Task Force for making a positive difference in the lives of people with disabilities within their school or community. Councilman Hinterlong invited each of the award winners to individually step up to the podium, read a short bio of each of the recipients and presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation and a $50 gift certificate. A short reception for the recipients and their families was held in the lunch room immediately following the presentation.

The recipients were David McCormack, senior, Naperville Central High School; Erin Tagler, senior, Neuqua Valley High School; Remington “Remy” Rook, senior, Waubonsie Valley High School; Matt Caputo, senior, Metea Valley High School; and Gaetano “Guy” LaCalamita, Connections Transitional Services.

For more information about the Accessible Community Task Force, contact actf@naperville.il.us.

Climb the Carillon

The Millennium Carillon in Moser Tower and Visitor Center, 443 Aurora Ave., is open for the 2017 season. Tours to climb to the top are available on Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 29. Friday tours are available until August 11.

After climbing 253 steps, visitors can observe panoramic views of Naperville at 160 feet above the Riverwalk.
In addition, carillonneurs from around the world will delight concert goers with an evening of free music at the Carillon at 7PM on Tuesdays thru Aug. 22. For more information, visit www.naperville-carillon.org.

German language church service

Church services in the German language will be held at St. John United Church of Christ at 11:30AM on Sun., July 2.

The service will be led by Dr. Egon Gerdes, and all are welcome to attend. St. John UCC is located at 1190 Olesen Dr. German services are held on the first Sunday of every month and will continue on Aug. 6. For more info call (630) 355-5208.

Outdoor sculpture display is one for the books

Downtown Naperville is set to turn another page this summer with its latest edition of outdoor sculptures. For 2017, downtown features 15 “book benches” that dot the landscape with artistic style and novel themes throughout the central business district. The book benches will be on exhibit until mid-September.

Ding! Ding! Summer trolley rides and tours now in progress

Naperville Trolley & Tours will offer Children’s 30-minute Trolley rides and One Hour Historic Trolley Tours of Naperville on most Fridays through August.

The Children’s 30-minute Trolley ride on most Fridays is at 10:15AM as well as the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30PM. The cost is $8 per rider, all ages.

The One Hour Historic Trolley Tour of Naperville blends the past with the present, highlights Naperville’s growth and includes some fun stories. Your guide (most likely the “Trolley Chick” Annette Wehrli, whose family has lived in Naperville since 1846) talks the entire hour about Naperville. It’s a “must do” for all visitors and old-timers alike. Tours are most Fridays at 11AM through August, as well as the second Tuesday of each month at 5:15PM. The cost is $16 per rider, all ages.

Make reservations at www.napervilletrolley.com. The Trolley meets at the “Trolley Stop” on Jackson Avenue at Eagle Street in downtown Naperville. The Trolley is fully enclosed, has air conditioning and runs rain or shine. No strollers may be brought on board.

‘Buy a Brick’ Campaign continues

During the Riverwalk 2000 fundraiser launched in 1997, the Daily Herald sponsored a “Buy a Brick” ad campaign featuring different residents holding the “Your Name Here” brick.

Today, the initiative that gives individuals the opportunity to write a message to be engraved on a brick or a granite stone continues to be a popular gift item and a way to support the Riverwalk Foundation.

Find complete details with photos about this personalized gift in a story featured at www.positivelynaperville.com. Search “Buy a Brick.”

To order a 4 x 8 brick ($150) for the Riverwalk extension or an 8 x 8 brick ($250) for Fredenhagen Park, simply send a check made payable to the Riverwalk Foundation with your 12 character per line, 3-line ($150) or 6-line message ($250) to Jan Erickson, Riverwalk Administrator, City of Naperville, TED Business Group, 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, IL 60540. Include your name, address, phone number, e-mail or other contact information.

For more information, contact Erickson at (630) 305-5984 or ericksonj@naperville.il.us.

Twice a year, new commemorative bricks are placed around Exchange Club Memories Fountain in Fredenhagen Park and along the Riverwalk between Washington and Hillside.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.