Above / For the safety of everybody, remember discharging of airborne paper lanterns and other fireworks is dangerous and a violation of state law.
The Fourth of July is the perfect time to relax and celebrate with friends and family, but given the risks posed by the use of fireworks and the hot, dry summer weather our state is currently experiencing, it’s also an important day to remember essential fire safety tips.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are more reported fires on the 4th of July than on any other day of the year, and fireworks account for two out of every five of those fires.
On May 14, 2013, The Office of the State Fire Marshall banned all uses of sky lanterns by placing them on the “Prohibited Consumer Fireworks” list. The Naperville Fire Department would like to make sure residents are aware of the state-wide ban before the Fourth of July celebration and other warm weather gatherings that might draw use of such lanterns.
The lanterns, also known as floating lanterns, wishing lanterns or aerial luminaries, are airborne paper lanterns that contain a small candle or fuel cell that heats the air inside and causes it to rise. The lanterns are known to travel up to several miles from where they were originally released.
In popular culture, they are often seen at weddings, dedication ceremonies and other celebrations. Sky lanterns have been known to cause residential and forest fires and pose hazards to aviation and vehicular traffic.
Following the May 14, 2013, ban of sky lanterns by the Office of the State Fire Marshal for the State of Illinois, it is illegal to sell or use these lanterns anywhere in the state.
Before the Fourth of July holiday, the Naperville Fire Department would like to remind residents that fireworks are designed to reach high temperatures, burn, spark, explode and launch – and should not be thought of as toys. They are unpredictable by nature and too dangerous for nonprofessional users. Discharging of fireworks is dangerous and a violation of state law.
Parents who understand that firecrackers, bottle rockets, and roman candles, etc. can cause injuries, (and are illegal under Illinois law) often let their younger kids play with sparklers because they think they are safe.
Here’s something to consider. Matches burn at 325°. Cakes bake at 350°. Wood burns at 575°. Glass melts at 900°. Aluminum melts at 1,200°. And sparklers burn at up to 1,800°! (Source: Illinois Fire Safety Alliance)
Sparklers cause half of the injuries to children under age five, and 10 percent of fireworks-related injuries overall. So even sparklers should be avoided!
On behalf of the Naperville Fire Department, here’s to a safe, injury-free summer!