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VFW Post will host Spring Blood Drive on May 20


Above / The Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 is located at 908 W. Jackson Ave. The large parking lot faces the Riverwalk.

blood dropNaperville Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 will host its Spring Blood Drive from 7:30AM to 1:30PM on Sat., May 20, at the post, located at 908 W. Jackson Ave., just north of the Riverwalk.

Every 3 seconds somebody needs blood

The community is welcome to give the “gift of life” with the knowledge that every three seconds someone needs blood.

Every year, roughly 4.5 million American lives are saved by blood transfusions and with the onset of summer, donations are needed more than ever.

Ninety percent of the population will need donated blood in its lifetime. Yet fewer that three percent of eligible donors regularly give the gift of life. Blood is the only gift one human being can give to another that cannot be manufactured, and currently, there is no substitute.

Bring a family member or friend along. The process takes less than an hour, but knowing you helped save a life and the good feelings that brings to you goes on for a very long time. 

To schedule an appointment, call LifeSource at 1-(888) 427-4836 or log onto www.lifesource.org.

Walk-ins are welcome, too

“Of course, the easiest way is to just walk in,” said publicist Mike Barbour for the post.

Anyone who cannot make it to the drive can also donate at the Naperville Donor Center, located at 2702 Aurora Ave. (just down the street from Menard’s).

By using Code 073C, the post will receive credit for your donation.

Every day, 38,000 blood donations are needed.

For more information about all the programs, socials and activities hosted by the Judd Kendall VFW Post for fellow veterans as well as the community, now under the leadership of Post Commander Tom Parker, visit www.napervfw3873.org.

2017 Memorial Day is Mon., May 29

Thank you, Veterans!

Remember! The Naperville Memorial Day Parade kicks off at 10:30AM Mon., May 29, in downtown Naperville, followed at 12:15PM by a 30-minute patriot observance in Central Park with live music performed by the Naperville Municipal Band.

Throughout the month of May, volunteers and members of the American Legion Post 43 and Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 will be distributing red artificial Buddy Poppies for donations to benefit the unmet needs of local veterans and their families.


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.