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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Naperville Noon Lions complete pre-school vision exams


Above / For the sixth year, members of the Naperville Noon Lions have offered eye examinations free of charge for children entering kindergarten. The testing is held at Ann Reid Early Childhood Center.

Dr. Richard Butz OD, a Naperville optometrist examines a student. Dr. Butz volunteers his time for this service. (Photo courtesy Bob Hull for the Naperville Noon Lions Club)

 The Naperville Noon Lions Club has completed its annual eye examinations for children who will be entering kindergarten in the fall.  The examinations were held at the Ann Reid Early Childhood Center in Naperville in conjunction with the school’s program of community service.

This year 37 students were examined.  The eye examinations are conducted by local optometrists and include, among other things, visual acuity, eye coordination, muscle control and depth perception.  Any issues or deficiencies discovered are then referred to an optometrist’s office for further follow up under the Club’s Social Service Program.

The examinations are required before the preschoolers are allowed to enter public school.  During the last year, the Lion Club’s Social Service Program provided eye examinations, eye glasses and hearing screening to approximately 400 children and adults at a cost to the Club of over $100,000.  These services are provided at no cost to those individuals in need.     

Paul Rewerts, Chairman of the Club’s Social Service Program, said the exams at Ann Reid have greatly increased the efficiency of the process, allowing members to provide this service to more individuals in a shorter amount of time.  Previously all exams where conducted in the doctor’s offices.

Leah Stevens RN, School Nurse, at Ann Reid indicated she was very appreciative of the Lions to conduct this program at the school.  It provides a service to students whose families have limited resources for this type of service.

This is the sixth year the Lions have offered this service at Ann Reid.

Naperville Noon Lions Club fundraisers support hearing and vision programs

Funds to provide these services are generated by the Club’s four fundraising events during the year which include the Annual Summer Raffle, Funnel Cake Sales at Ribfest (June 30-July 3, 2017), Candy Day and the signature event the Lions 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.

Naperville Noon Lions Club is a member club of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club in the world with over 1.4 million members.  For more information about our vision and hearing programs or membership in this community orientated and dynamic Club call (630) 364-3922.

Story and photo submitted by Bob Hull, publicity, for the Naperville Noon Lions.

Editor’s Note / Since May 1, 2017, online registration to run in the Lions 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning has been available. 

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PN Editor
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