After every election, many residents are hopeful the candidates are as enthusiastic about taking down their campaigns signs as they were about putting them up.
On April 4, PN posted this file photo from 2005 on Facebook with a reminder to collect signs at the end of Election Day. We especially enjoyed Steve Pete’s comment: “Well, if those signs are still up, there really is a problem!”
Thanks also to all informed voters who participated in the Illinois Consolidated Election where candidates are elected to positions that approve local budgets for schools, park districts, cities and townships as well as set local tax levies.
“Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good: ‘Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
In case you missed the election results, find them posted at by using the search tool for “Hey, Voters.”
Editor’s Note / To be clear, the campaign signs in this 2005 photo along Naperville-Wheaton Road were taken down 12 years ago following the close of the polls on Election Day!
Some of the most frequent feedback PN receives year-round is in regard to illegally placed signs in parkways and on intersections in subdivisions around the city.
For instance, in response to the photo above, another reader wrote, “I could have given you many (photos) from the past 50+++ elections and 250+++ candidates that have run for office and planted signs; let alone the thousands of signs planted by every church auction, lawn mowing, bike sale, roof repair, tax prep, etc. etc. etc, event that people continue to plant signs in our city to advertise.”