16.9 F
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Senior Voices – May brings back memories and future opportunities


Hooray, Hooray, for the month of May! How many of you remember that from grade school? This month has two important items for seniors.

First: The Memorial Day Parade is a time for all of us to remember our wonderful veterans for their sacrifices. The least we can do is to be present to give them the respect they deserve for their service to our country. And don’t forget to go to the service afterward at Central Park. Be on the lookout for our Senior Task Force also to be in the parade. One way we are honoring our Veterans is to provide free transportation (Ride Assist Naperville) to them for their medical appointments. Their personal driver also will stay with them for their appointment and drive them home.

Secondly: This is a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity for you seniors to say what you would like to see developed at Fifth Ave. Mayor Chirico has asked us to think “out of the box.” He said the “sky was the limit.” Would you like to see a rocket launch, a fish aquarium, an aerial tram, the Lucas Museum? Get your thinking caps on. Since 30 percent of Naperville soon is going to be seniors, just what do we want to make our City more enjoyable for us?

We want to hear from you. Please email your suggestions to seniortaskforce@naperville.il.us.

Chuckle Time: A gentleman received a notice in his mailbox informing him that he could have an intimate relationship at 79. He was so happy because he lived at 71. So it wasn’t too far to walk home afterwards. And besides, he didn’t have to cross the road because 71 was on the same side of the street.

RELATED POST / Ride Assist Naperville = RAN (Note! Volunteer drivers are wanted and needed. Please apply.)

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Bev Patterson Frier
Bev Patterson Frierhttp://napervill.il.us
Bev Patterson Frier was co-founder of the Senior Task Force with Karen Courney. Their efforts led to RAN, Ride Assist Naperville. Bev hails from Anderson, Ind., but the dedicated arts enthusiast boasts that Naperville is her family.