As a community news source, our MENU is more comprehensive than 1, 2, 3.
By the end of every day, it’s likely PN receives more requests and inquiries from readers and event planners regarding our online calendar listings than anything else.
The only more frequently asked question is “How do we get our story in print?” More about our monthly print edition supported by advertising sponsors later…
Considerable time often is spent directing folks to the two navigation features (one is black and the other is just above a black pin line) across the top of the website that include our menu.
On the navigation bar just atop the black line the listing offers links to
“Sections” (Featuring a drop down with 12 categories),
“Events,” (The drop down features many events by category)
“Add Events” (via Spingo), and
“About Us.”
“Events” is the key word to locate many of PN’s favorite traditions.
Updates for Event Planners
Below are suggestions to help with online navigation around PN’s website. Here’s hoping these directions will link event planners and readers to all the information that’s saved in PN’s archive up in the big cloud.
Just remember always to check the year to be sure you’re reading the most current event. This website, PN’s third version since 2001, was launched several years ago to keep up with digital access and ability to archive our stories and photos.
We know the info on this page is long and that you’re busy.
If you’re an event planner or someone who wants to get the most out of this digital community resource, we encourage you to take the time to become familiar with the way we spread the news.
We very much appreciate it when you’ve read this info before contacting us. Nonetheless, we welcome your inquiries and your business.
Thanks for your interest and your time.
Navigation Bars & Events Menus
Look toward the top of the page just above the black line and move the curser over “Events,” and a drop down menu will appear featuring calendar listings, sorted by category and month, opening up a whole world of things to do right here in Naperville.
Since 1981, when the winding brick path began developing throughout the heart of the city, the internationally recognized Riverwalk has become a popular setting for all types of activities, special events and fundraisers throughout the year.
“Sports” (Note the drop down menu with all six local high schools and the five together in the DuPage Valley Conference.)
“PN Home”
Venture further up the page to the solid black navigation bar to find another menu of prompts that leads to other information.
“Get a Copy” (PN is print, too!)
“Advertise” (Thanks for clicking online ads!)
Every prompt also leads to photos and other news to use with links to even more.
Events Powered by Spingo
Over on the right side of our pages is a listing of events that readers post online. It’s not an instant post as the info goes through a brief editing process to fit PN’s requirements of local news.
PN and other local media outlets have joined SpinGo for assistance with the ever-growing demands of our calendar network and to help display fresh, local, verified events on our website.
Event planners and readers can use this service to list their events. Simply follow the prompts and fill in all the required blanks. Thanks for being patient. Posts typically appear within 24 hours, usually sooner.
Click here for the form to add your event to the Spingo listing.
Click here to see how the events page, featured at the right of our web pages, is presented.
Latest N.E.W.S.
“Latest N.E.W.S.” is another popular link as it features a list in brief of all the updates (and we update throughout the day every day), featuring the stories most recently posted first. Simply take a scroll from time to time to keep up with the latest local news.
We make no bones about it. We are local and hyper about Naperville.
Thanks for supporting the local business community
When you shop, dine, entertain in Naperville and use local services, you help support the community and local tax revenues that help provide the quality of life folks have come to expect here.
In other words, whenever possible put your money where your heart and home are and keep those dollars recirculating in this community.
PN also is a member of the city’s independent small business community, a grassroots organization of volunteers known as IndieBound Naperville who meet monthly to educate and support each other regarding the unique challenges of independent business ownership. Perhaps you’ve noticed the bright red signs all over the city that help identify independent businesses, many of which are owned by your friends and neighbors.
PN is also a member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce.
Search with Search Tool
Oh. And the “Search” tool is pretty handy, too. It’s over on the far upper right on the black navigation bar. Click on it and it’ll prompt you to search for something. Keystroke a word for something local. Try it and see what you find.
For instance, search “Riverwalk” to find an abundance of stories with photos about the community’s natural treasure in the great outdoors just steps from downtown Naperville, Naper Settlement and North Central College.
Or search “Ribfest,” “Noon Lions Club,” “Naperville Jaycees,” “DuPage Children’s Museum,” etc.
Scroll all the way down the page
When you scroll all the way down this page to the bottom, you’ll come to another menu of sorts featured on a black field chock full of links.
You’ll find an Index, a listing of Columnists with wide and varied perspectives and original content featured monthly, all those Sections by category again as well as where to find Positively Naperville on social media.
That menu is another way to showcase the huge sampling of what this website and this city have to offer.
Reader feedback

Sometime ago, a Realtor from Connecticut contacted PN with much-appreciated praise for She said after she landed on this website, she spent several hours navigating it (much to her surprise as that wasn’t her intended use of time), linking to community spirit; and learning about the city’s schools, parks, health services, public safety and many amenities, including the Riverwalk, Naper Settlement and North Central College.
She ended her online visit by contacting us, saying she felt connected to the community and looked forward to sending a client here who was being transferred to Chicagoland.
She also mentioned she enjoyed our sense of humor! She obviously knows how to read between the lines.
Thanks for getting to know this website better. But mostly, thanks for reading online and picking up our print issue, too! We appreciate reader feedback that’s fit to print and we post signed comments on Greetings to PN.
Always a work in progress, PN is available in print at certain news stands throughout the city.
As an independently-owned and operated family business, we also welcome inquiries about advertising your business, both for PN’s printed pages and online.