21.8 F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Get Involved! Service Club Meeting Schedule


4:44 Rotary Club of Naperville Downtown Meeting / Wednesdays, 4:44PM / The Rotary Club of Naperville Downtown meets Wednesdays, except on Wednesdays before major holidays, at the Frog Pond at Hugo’s Frog Bar and Fish House located at 55. S. Main St. in downtown Naperville within Main Street Promenade. Meetings start at 4:44 and usually last an hour. Visitors are welcome. For more info, visit www.rcndowntown.com.

Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise Meeting / Fridays, 7AM / The Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise meets most Fridays at the Naperville Country Club, 25W570 Chicago Ave. For more info, visit www.napervillesunrise.org.

Naperville Evening Kiwanis Club / Mondays, 6PM / If you are interested in joining the Kiwanis Club in helping others, the club meets every Monday evening at 6PM on the 3rd floor of Edward Hospital Education Building. For more info, visit naperville-evening.kiwanisone.org.

Rotary Club of Naperville Meeting / Thursdays, 12:15PM / The Rotary Club of Naperville meets weekly on at Meson Sabika, 1025 Aurora Ave. For more info, visit www.napervillerotary.com.

Naperville Noon Lions Luncheon / Tuesdays, 12:15PM / The Naperville Noon Lions Club invites you to attend its weekly luncheon meeting. The meeting starts at 12:15PM and is held at Braconi’s Italian Restaurant located at 796 Royal St. George Dr. in Naperville. The Club meets every Tuesday (except the fifth Tuesday of a month). The Club is comprised of local men and women, who want to make a difference in our community. Future members will learn how funds are raised and how essential services are provided in the areas of vision, hearing and support of the community. For more info, visit www.napervillenoonlions.org or call (630) 364-3922.

Naperville Jaycees General Meeting / 2nd Tuesday Most Months, 7:30PM / The general meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of every month, at the Naperville VFW Hall, at 908 West Jackson Avenue. For more info, visit www.naperjaycees.org.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.